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Terminate the specified user session.


This function returns t (success), f (failure), or NULL (unknown session ID). You can get session IDs from the sys.session view. The session ID must be an INT or BIGINT value.

For example:

yellowbrick=# select * from sys.session where application_name='ybsql';
 session_id | application_name | client_hostname | client_ip_address | database_id | user_id |          start_time           | process_id 
     18120 | ybsql            | [NULL]          | [NULL]            |        4400 |      10 | 2018-06-04 13:14:16.212301-07 |      30186
     18126 | ybsql            | [NULL]          | [NULL]            |       16388 |   16399 | 2018-06-04 13:17:21.43458-07  |      30854
(2 rows)

yellowbrick=# select yb_terminate_session(18126);
(1 row)

Note: If you try to terminate an internal system user session (or the current user session), the function returns NULL and does not terminate the session.

Parent topic:System Functions