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Yellowbrick Manager

Authentication/Authorization Models

There are 3 types of a authentication/authorization models supported by Yellowbrick Manager:

  1. Instance Login
  2. Single Sign-On
  3. Infrastructure Administrator

Determining the Hostname or IP of Yellowbrick Manager

During installation, the initial URL of the Yellowbrick Manager will be displayed for initial management. Afterwards, if the IP address or Hostname is not known, you may use Kubernetes to determine its value by following these steps.

Determining hostname or IP Address of Yellowbrick Manager with Kubernetes

To determine the hostname or IP Address using Kubernetes, first you must obtain a valid Kubernetes configuration to enable kubectl usage.

Using kubectl:

% kubectl -n ${namespace} get service yb-manager-service
NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
yb-manager-service   ClusterIP  80/TCP    1d

The value of EXTERNAL-IP in this case would be used to access Yellowbrick Manager.

To determine the hostname or IP Address of Yellowbrick Manager with cloud CLI or Console:

Use one of the following documents to discover the load balancer hostname or IP Address, in each of the following cloud products: