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Azure Terraform - Network Configuration

This page covers the setup of the network components required for the deployment, including the virtual network, subnets, route table, and public IP configuration using Terraform.

The reference includes:

  • Defining a virtual network (VNet) with address spaces for hosting subnets.
  • Creating subnets for Azure Firewall, Firewall Management, and the default subnet for general use.
  • Configuring service endpoints on the default subnet for secure access to Azure Storage.
  • Setting up a route table to direct traffic through the firewall.
  • Associating the route table with the default subnet.
  • Creating a public IP address for external access through the firewall.

This network configuration provides a secure and scalable foundation for hosting all Azure resources in the deployment.

locals {
  subnet_cidrs = cidrsubnets(

  subnet_prefixes = {
    "firewall"      = [local.subnet_cidrs[0]],
    "firewall_mgmt" = [local.subnet_cidrs[1]],
    "default"       = [local.subnet_cidrs[2]],

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "this" {
  name = local.fingerprint

  location            = var.azure_location
  resource_group_name = local.azure_resource_group
  address_space       = [var.vnet_cidr]

  tags = local.tags

resource "azurerm_subnet" "firewall" {
  name = "AzureFirewallSubnet"

  resource_group_name  = local.azure_resource_group
  virtual_network_name =
  address_prefixes     = local.subnet_prefixes["firewall"]

resource "azurerm_subnet" "firewall_mgmt" {
  name = "AzureFirewallManagementSubnet"

  resource_group_name  = local.azure_resource_group
  virtual_network_name =
  address_prefixes     = local.subnet_prefixes["firewall_mgmt"]

resource "azurerm_subnet" "default" {
  name = "${local.fingerprint}-subnet-0"

  resource_group_name  = local.azure_resource_group
  virtual_network_name =
  address_prefixes     = local.subnet_prefixes["default"]

  service_endpoints = [

resource "azurerm_route_table" "default" {
  name                = "${local.fingerprint}-route-table"
  location            = var.azure_location
  resource_group_name = local.azure_resource_group

  route {
    name                   = "route-firewall"
    address_prefix         = ""
    next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"
    next_hop_in_ip_address = azurerm_firewall.this.ip_configuration[0].private_ip_address

  route {
    name           = "route-firewall-internet"
    address_prefix = "${azurerm_public_ip.external.ip_address}/32"
    next_hop_type  = "Internet"

  tags = local.tags

resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "default" {
  subnet_id      =
  route_table_id =

resource "azurerm_public_ip" "external" {
  name                = "${local.fingerprint}-external-ip-public"
  resource_group_name = local.azure_resource_group
  location            = var.azure_location
  allocation_method   = "Static"
  sku                 = "Standard"

  tags = local.tags