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Installing ybtools on macOS

You can install ybtools on macOS versions 10.10 and later.

  1. Download the macOS package from the Yellowbrick Manager. Go to Support > Drivers and Tools > Client Tools. For example: ybtools-6.1.2-a8363b32.1234.macos.x86_64.dmg.

  2. If necessary, copy the downloaded package to the macOS client system.

  3. Double-click the .dmg file. The Yellowbrick Client Tools installer opens.

  1. Double-click the ybtools.pkg icon and step through the installer as directed. Be sure to accept the license agreement.

Note: You can change the default installation directory if required.

  1. When the installation is complete, check the contents of the installation directory. For example:

Parent topic:Installing ybtools