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This system view maps clusters to hardware instance types (by ID).

Column NameData TypeDescription
cluster_iduuidUUID for the cluster.
hardware_instance_type_iduuidUUID for the hardware instance type defined for the cluster.


How many clusters are set up to use each instance type?

yellowbrick=# select hardware_instance_type_id, count(cluster_id) 
from sys.hardware_instance_assignment group by 1;
     hardware_instance_type_id       | count 
 f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3 |     8
 b7da0afd-2c98-4f57-888d-98a51975a412 |     2
(2 rows)

Join to the sys.cluster view to get the names of each hardware instance type:

yellowbrick=# select c.hardware_instance_type_id, hardware_instance_name, count(c.cluster_id) 
from sys.hardware_instance_assignment h join sys.cluster c on h.cluster_id=c.cluster_id group by 1, 2;
     hardware_instance_type_id       | hardware_instance_name | count 
 f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3 | small-v1               |     8
 b7da0afd-2c98-4f57-888d-98a51975a412 | large-v1               |     2
(2 rows)

Parent topic:System Views