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This view captures the current state and role of each worker node on each compute cluster.

Column NameData TypeDescription
worker_iduuidUUID for the worker node.
cluster_iduuidUUID for the compute cluster.
chassis_idinteger0 for a single-chassis system; 0 or 1 for a dual-chassis system.
logical_idintegerLogical ID number for the worker node.
ip_addresstextIP address for the worker node.
statetextCurrent state, such as IN_SERVICE or OFFLINE.
roletextCurrent role, such as MEMBER or SPARE. This value corresponds to the "Cluster role" for the blade.
state_updatedtimestamptzWhen the state of the worker changed.
drive_statustextStatus of the worker node drives: OK (all drives online) or DEGRADED (one or more drives offline).

You can monitor the worker nodes at the cluster level with the sys.worker view by joining other system views on the cluster_id column.

For example, the role of a worker is SPARE when a cluster is suspended and MEMBER when it is fully resumed:

premdb=# select c.cluster_id, c.status, c.offline_reason, c.state, w.role, cl.cluster_name 
from sys.cluster_status c join sys.worker w on c.cluster_id=w.cluster_id 
join sys.cluster cl on c.cluster_id=cl.cluster_id;
             cluster_id              |    status    |      offline_reason      |   state   |  role  |      cluster_name       
 da88c52f-c876-43f9-9777-6121e1b0da0e | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE              | RUNNING   | MEMBER | test-may3-cluster-01
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | TOO_MANY_MISSING_WORKERS | SUSPENDED | SPARE  | bobr-may3-small-cluster
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | TOO_MANY_MISSING_WORKERS | SUSPENDED | SPARE  | bobr-may3-small-cluster
(3 rows)
             cluster_id              |    status    | offline_reason |  state  |  role  |      cluster_name       
 da88c52f-c876-43f9-9777-6121e1b0da0e | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE    | RUNNING | MEMBER | test-may3-cluster-01
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE    | RUNNING | MEMBER | bobr-may3-small-cluster
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE    | RUNNING | MEMBER | bobr-may3-small-cluster
(3 rows)

Parent topic:System Views