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Character Escape Sequences

Several ybload and ybunload options support the following escape sequences as option values:

  • \t: tab
  • \b: backspace
  • \n: newline
  • \r: carriage return
  • \f: formfeed
  • \': single quotation mark
  • \": double quotation mark
  • \\: backslash
  • \0: null byte
  • \us: ASCII unit separator
  • \rs: ASCII record separator

You can specify these escape sequences as shown in this list, or you can use the equivalent hexadecimal or Unicode escape sequences.

Hexadecimal escape sequences must start with 0x (lowercase x). Any number of hex digits may follow. Unicode escape sequences start with u+ or U+. The capitalization and number of hex digits are both flexible: u+1f, U+01F, and u+001F are all equivalent.

The following table shows two examples. The three escape sequence columns show how you would specify the values in a ybload or ybunload command. The ASCII decimal values are shown for reference; you cannot specify these values in the command.

ASCII Decimal ValueEscape SequenceHexadecimal Escape SequenceUnicode Escape Sequence

See also Escape Sequences for Non-Printable Characters.

Parent topic:ybload Command