This view returns information about all of the columns in the user tables in the current database.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_id | bigint | The unique ID for the table. Tables in different schemas within the same database may have the same name, so you can use this ID to uniquely identify a table. |
column_id | integer | The ID for the column in the table: a positional number starting with 1 for the first named column. |
name | name | Name of the column. |
type | text | Data type of the column. |
nullable | boolean | A value of t means the column accepts null values. A value of f means that the column was defined with a NOT NULL constraint. |
distribution_key | integer | 1 if the column is the distribution key for the table; otherwise null . |
sort_key | integer | 1 if the column is the sort key for the table; otherwise null . |
partition_key | integer | 1 or greater if the column is a partitioning key for the table; otherwise null . |
cluster_key | integer | 1-4 if a column is a cluster key for the table; otherwise null . |
encrypted | boolean | A value of t means the column is encrypted; f means it is not encrypted. |
The following query returns an ordered list of the columns in six user tables in the current database:
premdb=# select name, table_id from sys.column order by 2,1;
name | table_id
numteams | 46958
season_name | 46958
seasonid | 46958
winners | 46958
atid | 46962
avg_att | 46962
capacity | 46962
city | 46962
htid | 46962
name | 46962
nickname | 46962
stadium | 46962
teamid | 46962
htid | 46966
name | 46966
atid | 46970
name | 46970
atid | 46974
ftscore | 46974
htid | 46974
htscore | 46974
matchday | 46974
seasonid | 46974
avg_mins_per_match | 47071
cob | 47071
dob | 47071
firstname | 47071
lastname | 47071
matches_played | 47071
playerid | 47071
position | 47071
seasonid | 47071
teamid | 47071
weekly_wages | 47071
(34 rows)
premdb=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | awayteam | table | yellowbrick
public | hometeam | table | yellowbrick
public | match | table | yellowbrick
public | player | table | yellowbrick
public | season | table | yellowbrick
public | team | table | yellowbrick
(6 rows)
The following example joins sys.column
to sys.database
, sys.schema
, and sys.table
to get the database name, schema name, and table name (and to make sure that the results are for a single table, schema, and database combination):
premdb=# select d.database_id, database_name, d.owner_id, schema_name, table_name, t.table_id, column_name, c.type, c.distribution_key
from sys.database d
inner join
sys.table t on (d.database_id = t.database_id)
inner join
sys.column c on (t.table_id = c.table_id)
inner join
sys.schema s on (s.schema_id = t.schema_id) and (s.database_id = d.database_id)
where = 'match' and = 'public'
order by c.column_id;
database_id | database_name | owner_id | schema_name | table_name | table_id | column_name | type | distribution_key
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | seasonid | smallint | 1
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | matchday | timestamp without time zone | [NULL]
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | htid | smallint | [NULL]
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | atid | smallint | [NULL]
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | ftscore | character(3) | [NULL]
16459 | premdb | 16007 | public | match | 16512 | htscore | character(3) | [NULL]
(6 rows)
Parent topic:System Views