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This view captures information about remote servers that have been created for database replication. See also CREATE REMOTE SERVER.

Column NameData TypeDescription
remote_server_idoidUnique ID for the remote server.
nametextUser-defined name for the remote server object.
hosttextHost name of the remote server (the target system).
portintegerDatabase port on the remote server. Default is 5432.
control_portintegerNULL. (Refers to JDBC control port on the remote server.)
no_hostname_checkbooleanWhether strict checking of host names is disabled (true) or enabled (false). The default is false.

For information about Yellowbrick ports, see Manager Node Ports and Opening Network Ports for Clients.

For example:

premdb=# select * from sys.remote_server;
 remote_server_id |       name        |          host        | port | control_port | no_hostname_check 
           16417 | yb100             | | 5432 |       [NULL] | t
           16418 | br_yb_io          |         | 5432 |       [NULL] | t
           16419 | yblocal_checkhost | localhost            | 5432 |       [NULL] | f
(3 rows)

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