This view captures information about replicas that have been created for database replication. See also ALTER DATABASE ADD REPLICA.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
replica_id | bigint | Unique ID of the replica. |
database_id | bigint | Unique ID of the source database. |
remote_server_id | bigint | Unique ID of the remote server. |
backup_chain_id | varchar(256) | Unique ID of the backup chain for the replica. |
name | varchar(256) | Name of the replica. |
last_replication_time | timestamptz | When the snapshot was created for the last successful replication cycle that was run for this replica. This timestamp corresponds to the creation_time value in the sys.backup_snapshot view. |
status | varchar(256) | Status of replication for this replica: RUNNING , PAUSED , NOT_STARTED , ERROR , FORCED , or UNKNOWN . |
frequency | integer | Frequency interval for replication, such as 30 seconds or 5 minutes. |
alias | varchar(256) | Name of the database being replicated to on the remote system. |
bandwidth_limit_bytes | bigint | Limit set for maximum speed of transmission traffic. |
exclude_filter | varchar(256) | Schemas excluded from replication for this database, if any. |
security_mode | varchar(256) | ALL (the default) or NONE , to indicate whether security-related objects and attributes are replicated (users, roles, ACLs, GRANTs). |
user_resolution_mode, user_duplicate_resolution_mode | varchar(256) | Not applicable in this release. Default values are db_owner and rename . |
is_sync_users, is_sync_roles, is_sync_grants, is_sync_acls | boolean | Not applicable in this release. Default values are true when security_mode is all and false when security_mode is none . |
is_sync_superusers | boolean | Not applicable in this release. Default value is false . |
is_table_level_restart | boolean | *Not applicable in this release.*Default value is false . |
reverse_replica | varchar(256) | Name of a reverse replica associated with this replica, if any; otherwise NULL . |
premdb=# select * from sys.replica where name='premdb_replica';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------+------------------
replica_id | 41547
database_id | 41524
remote_server_id | 16410
backup_chain_id | [NULL]
name | premdb_replica
last_replication_time | [NULL]
status | NOT_STARTED
frequency | 10
alias | premdb_replica_db
bandwidth_limit_bytes | [NULL]
exclude_filter | [NULL]
security_mode | all
user_resolution_mode | db_owner
user_duplicate_resolution_mode | rename
is_sync_users | t
is_sync_roles | t
is_sync_grants | t
is_sync_acls | t
is_sync_superusers | f
is_table_level_restart | f
reverse_replica | [NULL]
yellowbrick=# select sr.replica_id, replica_name, sr.database_id, db_name, sr.status
from sys.replica sr, sys.database sd where sr.database_id=sd.database_id;
replica_id | replica_name | database_id | db_name | status
16555 | replication | 16553 | repl_source | RUNNING
16449 | replication2 | 16388 | yellowbrick_test | NOT_STARTED
(2 rows)
Parent topic:System Views