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This system view captures information about active restore (ybrestore) operations. The columns in this view are the same as the columns in sys.log_restore.


In this example, the ybsql \watch command tracks the progress of a running database restore operation and returns results every 5 seconds.

premdb=# select * from sys.restore;
(0 rows)

premdb=# \watch 5
(0 rows)

(0 rows)

Watch every 5s	Tue Jun 22 15:15:42 2021

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key            | TED9yW3bVpOtR-syMZcm_3K5smzR2mTqqbE16MOCP8xRSi_9EVFNPjottbzjojY=
session_id             | 608313
client_hostname        | localhost
client_username        | yb100
user_name              | yb100
user_id                | 16418
database_name          | premdb_full_restore
database_id            | 19579
state                  | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string           | [NULL]
start_time             | 2021-06-22 15:15:14-08
end_time               | [NULL]
elapsed_ms             | 3375
remaining_ms           | -1
received_bytes         | 12941
received_bytes_per_sec | 3834.370361
storage_bytes          | 3741
storage_bytes_per_sec  | 1108.444458
backup_point_id        | June22Full
chain_id               | June2021
source_database_name   | premdb
source_appliance_name  | localhost
table_name             | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Tue Jun 22 15:15:47 2021

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key            | TED9yW3bVpOtR-syMZcm_3K5smzR2mTqqbE16MOCP8xRSi_9EVFNPjottbzjojY=
session_id             | 608313
client_hostname        | localhost
client_username        | yb100
user_name              | yb100
user_id                | 16418
database_name          | premdb_full_restore
database_id            | 19579
state                  | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string           | [NULL]
start_time             | 2021-06-22 15:15:14-08
end_time               | [NULL]
elapsed_ms             | 8392
remaining_ms           | 8912000
received_bytes         | 182719258
received_bytes_per_sec | 21773028
storage_bytes          | 552786
storage_bytes_per_sec  | 65870.59375
backup_point_id        | June22Full
chain_id               | June2021
source_database_name   | premdb
source_appliance_name  | localhost
table_name             | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Tue Jun 22 15:15:52 2021

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key            | TED9yW3bVpOtR-syMZcm_3K5smzR2mTqqbE16MOCP8xRSi_9EVFNPjottbzjojY=
session_id             | 608313
client_hostname        | localhost
client_username        | yb100
user_name              | yb100
user_id                | 16418
database_name          | premdb_full_restore
database_id            | 19579
state                  | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string           | [NULL]
start_time             | 2021-06-22 15:15:14-08
end_time               | [NULL]
elapsed_ms             | 13405
remaining_ms           | 22000
received_bytes         | 487804302
received_bytes_per_sec | 36389728
storage_bytes          | 552786
storage_bytes_per_sec  | 41237.300781
backup_point_id        | June22Full
chain_id               | June2021
source_database_name   | premdb
source_appliance_name  | localhost
table_name             | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Tue Jun 22 15:15:57 2021

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key            | TED9yW3bVpOtR-syMZcm_3K5smzR2mTqqbE16MOCP8xRSi_9EVFNPjottbzjojY=
session_id             | 608313
client_hostname        | localhost
client_username        | yb100
user_name              | yb100
user_id                | 16418
database_name          | premdb_full_restore
database_id            | 19579
state                  | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string           | [NULL]
start_time             | 2021-06-22 15:15:14-08
end_time               | [NULL]
elapsed_ms             | 43490
remaining_ms           | 2000
received_bytes         | 1807300426
received_bytes_per_sec | 41556688
storage_bytes          | 1806697658
storage_bytes_per_sec  | 41542828
backup_point_id        | June22Full
chain_id               | June2021
source_database_name   | premdb
source_appliance_name  | localhost
table_name             | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Tue Jun 22 15:16:02 2021

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key            | TED9yW3bVpOtR-syMZcm_3K5smzR2mTqqbE16MOCP8xRSi_9EVFNPjottbzjojY=
session_id             | 608313
client_hostname        | localhost
client_username        | yb100
user_name              | yb100
user_id                | 16418
database_name          | premdb_full_restore
database_id            | 19579
state                  | DONE
error_string           | [NULL]
start_time             | 2021-06-22 15:15:14-08
end_time               | 2021-06-22 15:16:00-08
elapsed_ms             | 45717
remaining_ms           | 0
received_bytes         | 1807301704
received_bytes_per_sec | 39532376
storage_bytes          | 1806698912
storage_bytes_per_sec  | 39519192
backup_point_id        | June22Full
chain_id               | June2021
source_database_name   | premdb
source_appliance_name  | localhost
table_name             | [NULL]

Parent topic:System Views