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Alert Templates

When you create endpoints, you can load templates that describe the structure and contents of the alert messages that are sent. The following templates are supported:

  • Text
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • XML
  • Form Encoded

Having selected a template, you can customize it. For example, the default text template looks like this:

You can add to or modify this template by using attributes from the list of template attributes. This list is displayed when you click the information icon next to the Template field. Add entries with the following form:


For example, this modified template has a different title and two additional components (Appliance and Alert Name):

Yellowbrick Database Alert:
   Appliance: ${body.origin}
   Alert Name: ${body.alertDefinitionName}
   Message: ${body.message}
   Resource: ${body.resource}
   Time: ${body.createdOn}
   Severity: ${body.severity}
   Status: ${body.status}

The resulting messages look like these examples:

Yellowbrick Database Alert:
   Appliance: yb100
   Alert Name: WLM Rule
   Message: Alert for premdb queries (291285)
   Resource: database:wlm:Bob's premdb rule
   Time: Wed Aug 22 17:24:54 PDT 2018
   Severity: 50
   Status: OPEN
Yellowbrick Database Alert:
   Appliance: yb100
   Alert Name: Database State
   Message: The database is degraded due to: missing compute nodes (1). Performance may be affected.
   Resource: database:state
   Time: Wed Aug 22 17:27:59 PDT 2018
   Severity: 75
   Status: CLOSED

Note: Message severity is a gradient, where 25=Informational, 50=Minor, 75=Major, and 100=Critical.

Parent topic:Creating an Alert Endpoint