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Manager Node Ports

The manager nodes have multiple ports for client application connections, system management connections, and connections to external services. The Manager nodes firewall is configured to allow these connections. To make changes to the manager node firewall settings, contact Technical Support; do not attempt to make changes to the firewall settings yourself.

Ports for Client Applications

All client application and user connections to Yellowbrick appliances occur only through the manager node via the following ports. (See also Opening Network Ports for Clients.)

22sshTCPUsed for database upgrades and administration.
80SMCHTTPHTTP server port
8182SMCHTTPInternal port for SMC. External connections can be blocked.
443SMCHTTPSTLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 only
5432Yellowbrick databaseTCPDefault port for database connections for all protocols: ODBC, JDBC, libpq, and so on. This port can be changed.
11111ybtools control portTCPControl port used for ybload, ybunload, ybbackup, and ybrestore.
11112ybtools control portTCPControl port used when the --secured option is specified for ybload, ybunload, ybbackup, ybrestore.
31000 and 31001ybtools data transferTCP

BMC Ports

The Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) is the lights-out management application for the manager nodes. It may be on the same or a different network from the manager nodes. Only Yellowbrick system managers should need access to the BMC.

22sshTCPUsed for database upgrades and administration.
80BMC Admin UIHTTPHTTP server port
443BMC Admin UIHTTPSTLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 only
5900BMCTCPManagement port

Connections to External Services

By default, the manager node attempts to connect to the following external services.

DNS service…:53TCP- Look up
- Resolve host names in authentication, etc.
- Disabling creates pauses in operations

NTP time server Time sync server
- Can be disabled or configured to contact a different NTP server

Red Hat :443TCPCan be blocked; not needed.
Yellowbrick remote diagnostics (phonehome) needed if phonehome is enabled; it is not enabled by default. See Remote Diagnostics for configuration instructions.

Parent topic:System Management