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Yellowbrick Documentation

All of the documentation for Yellowbrick Data Warehouse is available within this online information center. Use the Search box to find the information you need. Alternatively, click anywhere in the navigation tree to browse the contents of each main section.

The following links provide entry points for commonly used information.

Quick Reference Docs

SQL ReferenceGeneral Reference
SQL CommandsSystem Views
SQL FunctionsDatabase Limits
SQL Data TypesDefault User Accounts
SQL Reserved WordsGlossary

How-To Docs

How ToSee Also
Download Clients and DriversSMC
Install Clients: Linux
Install Clients: Windows
Create TablesCREATE TABLE, ybsql
Load Tablesybload
Run QueriesSELECT, ybsql
Unload Tablesybunload
Manage Users and RolesGRANT, REVOKE
Back Up Databasesybbackup
Restore Databasesybrestore
Replicate Databases
Manage Workloads (WLM)
Manage the Systemybcli

Offline Documentation

You can download the Yellowbrick Product Documentation (Version 5.4.10) in PDF format for offline use.

Change History

Check out the product changes

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