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WLM Example: Using the SMC

All of the setup steps in the following example can be completed in the SMC (as shown) or by using SQL commands.

To set up a simple example of workload management:

  1. Log into the SMC and go to Manage > Workloads > Create Profile.

  2. Create a profile and give it a meaningful name, such as shortquerybias.

By default, this profile contains a single resource pool: system.

  1. Click Create Resource Pool under the shortquerybias profile. Name the new pool shortquerypool, and give it 20 slots, a queue size of 100, a maximum row limit of 100000, and a maximum execution time of 1.

  1. Mark the new resource pool as the default pool for this profile. Under shortquerypool, select Mark as Default Pool.

A check mark will appear next to the resource pool name.

  1. Click Rules > Create Rule.

  2. Create a Compile type rule and name it fastlane.

  1. Require all queries against the premdb database to run in shortquerypool.

  1. Go back to Profiles/Resource Pools, click shortquerybias, and create a new active configuration.

You will see an activation message under the profile name.

  1. Go to the Query tab and run a query as a non-superuser with select privileges on the tables in the premdb database. For example:

Note: When admin users and superusers (such as the yellowbrick user) submit requests, they all go to the admin resource pool.

  1. Monitor WLM activity. Go to Manage > Workloads > Rule Processing to see which rules and pools were processed for the query.

Parent topic:A Simple WLM Example