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This system view captures information about active backup (ybbackup) operations. The columns in this view are the same as the columns in sys.log_backup.


In this example, the ybsql \watch command tracks the progress of a running backup operation and returns results every 5 seconds.

premdb=# select * from sys.backup;
(0 rows)

premdb=# \watch 5
(0 rows)

(0 rows)

Watch every 5s	Tue Feb 18 15:07:51 2020

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | DzTlIEcb4E1EYW0BfHbo1mzMj9vuPskwWriWw3JowgAVscEKXVHO3y0gx5KG83a5
session_id            | 607424
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
user_name             | yb100
user_id               | 16418
database_name         | premdb
database_id           | 16395
state                 | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string          | [NULL]
start_time            | 2020-02-18 15:07:47-08
end_time              | [NULL]
elapsed_ms            | 4739
remaining_ms          | 28000
sent_bytes            | 275221394
sent_bytes_per_sec    | 58075836
storage_bytes         | 275312522
storage_bytes_per_sec | 58095068
backup_point_id       | Feb18Full
chain_id              | February2020
type                  | F

Watch every 5s	Tue Feb 18 15:07:56 2020

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | DzTlIEcb4E1EYW0BfHbo1mzMj9vuPskwWriWw3JowgAVscEKXVHO3y0gx5KG83a5
session_id            | 607424
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
user_name             | yb100
user_id               | 16418
database_name         | premdb
database_id           | 16395
state                 | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string          | [NULL]
start_time            | 2020-02-18 15:07:47-08
end_time              | [NULL]
elapsed_ms            | 9754
remaining_ms          | 10000
sent_bytes            | 837437948
sent_bytes_per_sec    | 85855848
storage_bytes         | 837715148
storage_bytes_per_sec | 85884264
backup_point_id       | Feb18Full
chain_id              | February2020
type                  | F

Watch every 5s	Tue Feb 18 15:08:02 2020

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | DzTlIEcb4E1EYW0BfHbo1mzMj9vuPskwWriWw3JowgAVscEKXVHO3y0gx5KG83a5
session_id            | 607424
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
user_name             | yb100
user_id               | 16418
database_name         | premdb
database_id           | 16395
state                 | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string          | [NULL]
start_time            | 2020-02-18 15:07:47-08
end_time              | [NULL]
elapsed_ms            | 14767
remaining_ms          | 12000
sent_bytes            | 1398798687
sent_bytes_per_sec    | 94724632
storage_bytes         | 1399260807
storage_bytes_per_sec | 94755928
backup_point_id       | Feb18Full
chain_id              | February2020
type                  | F

Watch every 5s	Tue Feb 18 15:08:07 2020

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | DzTlIEcb4E1EYW0BfHbo1mzMj9vuPskwWriWw3JowgAVscEKXVHO3y0gx5KG83a5
session_id            | 607424
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
user_name             | yb100
user_id               | 16418
database_name         | premdb
database_id           | 16395
state                 | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string          | [NULL]
start_time            | 2020-02-18 15:07:47-08
end_time              | [NULL]
elapsed_ms            | 19829
remaining_ms          | 25000
sent_bytes            | 1746924788
sent_bytes_per_sec    | 88099488
storage_bytes         | 1747502012
storage_bytes_per_sec | 88128600
backup_point_id       | Feb18Full
chain_id              | February2020
type                  | F

Watch every 5s	Tue Feb 18 15:08:12 2020

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | DzTlIEcb4E1EYW0BfHbo1mzMj9vuPskwWriWw3JowgAVscEKXVHO3y0gx5KG83a5
session_id            | 607424
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
user_name             | yb100
user_id               | 16418
database_name         | premdb
database_id           | 16395
state                 | DONE
error_string          | [NULL]
start_time            | 2020-02-18 15:07:47-08
end_time              | 2020-02-18 15:08:08-08
elapsed_ms            | 21014
remaining_ms          | 0
sent_bytes            | 1806698912
sent_bytes_per_sec    | 85975968
storage_bytes         | 1807292528
storage_bytes_per_sec | 86004216
backup_point_id       | Feb18Full
chain_id              | February2020
type                  | F

Parent topic:System Views