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What's New in Version 5.4

Version 5.4.0 contains the following new features and enhancements. There are also some significant changes in behavior; see the Version 5.4 Release Notes.

GROUP BY Extensions

The GROUP BY clause now supports the GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP extensions. These extensions make it possible to return aggregate results for multiple GROUP BY expressions within one query.

The GROUPING() function is also supported. You can use this function to identify and filter rows returned by queries that use grouping sets.

Single-Table Restore Operations

You can now restore a single database table from a backup, as opposed to restoring all the objects in a database. You can restore a table to its source database or a separate target database or system.

Table Aliases for SET Columns in UPDATE Statements

When the target table for an UPDATE is given an alias, that alias can be used in the SET clause as well.

Number of Table Columns Increased to 2000

The maximum number of user-defined columns in a table has been increased to 2000.

New SQL Functions

Inverse Normal Distribution Function (INV_NORM)
Return an inverse normal distribution x-value, given a known probability (or percentile) and optional mean and standard deviation values.
The ROUND_VAR function is a version of the ROUND function that accepts a column name or an expression for its second argument.
Convert a number string to an actual numeric value, using a specified format.
Return information about views and the tables they depend on.

Parquet Format Loads and Unloads

The ybload and ybunload client tools support loading and unloading files in Apache Parquet format.

System View Changes

The sys.restore and sys.log_restore now have a table_name column to log the name of a table that was restored in a single-table restore operation.

New ybcli Commands

  • config cert get and config cert create-selfsigned commands. Return the status of the current Yellowbrick Data on the host system. If the certificate is self-signed, you can regenerate it.
  • log clang: Return the log for compiler-related events.

TLS support for ybrelay and Spark

TLS support for ybrelay and Spark is now generally available; this feature is no longer in Tech Preview mode.

Note that ybrelay is not supported on Windows clients.

Setting Configuration Parameters Within Queries

A new SETTING clause may be specified before a query so that it runs with specific values applied for one or more configuration parameters.

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