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ybbackupctl Options

Only one "control command" may be used each time you run the ybbackupctl tool. The control commands are as follows:

  • --copy-to
  • --delete
  • --fix-bundle-paths
  • --help
  • --list
  • --purge

If no source location is specified in a ybbackupctl command, the location is assumed to be the current working directory. To specify a source location, append the directory path (or paths) to the end of the command. Do not specify an option name for these paths. See Storage Locations for Backups.

-c STRING, --chain STRING

The backup chain to use. Default: default.

-C STRING, --copy-to STRING

Copy a single backup to another location. The --copy-to command requires one or more destination (target) storage locations, which should be specified directly after --copy-to. The storage you are copying to does not have to exist when you run the ybbackupctl command.

You also need to specify the following options:

  • --point to name the backup
  • --chain (if not using the default chain)
  • --uuid to identify the database

Specify the input (source) storage location of the backup at the end of the command, or change to the directory where the backup resides. If you do not specify an input location, the current working directory is assumed to be the source of the backup that you want to copy. See ybbackupctl Examples.

Only completed backups can be copied. You cannot copy a backup that is in progress.

Note: When you copy backups with this command, the metadata for the backup files is included. (You do not need to fix the paths with the -X option as well.)

-D, --delete

Delete a single backup, as specified with the --point argument. The copy command also requires the --uuid option to identify the database. If the backup chain is not named default, specify the --chain option as well.

-X, --fix-bundle-paths STRING

Modify paths to source locations for backup files. This option is useful when backup files have been moved from one storage system to another, or when different clients have different mount point names for the same storage. The path you specify for this option is checked for a valid backup bundle that matches the database, backup chain, and backup name. If the check is successful, the metadata for that backup bundle is updated, making it possible for subsequent backups and restores to run, using the modified path.

-L, --list

List the contents of a backup set. Use the --verbose option to return more information about the tables and other objects in the backup. You must specify the location of the backups you want to list.

Only completed backups can be listed. You cannot list backups that are in progress.

--point STRING, -a STRING

Identify the backup you want to manage in one of three ways:

  • latest or oldest backup in the chain
  • Backup snapshot name (the value for --name when the ybbackup command was run). For example: PremDBFullBackup20190906 or DB1_Sept_06
  • Backup timestamp in YYMMDD HH:MM:DD format. For example: 190906 12:00:00

Purge either obsolete full backups or invalid backups from the backup set. A full backup may be obsolete if a new full backup was taken after it. Backups are invalid if they do not complete successfully or they are part of a broken chain. You must specify FULL or INVALID for the purge command. You also need to specify the following options:

  • --chain (if not using the default chain)
  • --uuid to identify the database

Identify the database by specifying its full UUID string. This option is required for --purge, --delete, and --copy-to operations. You can copy and paste the UUID string from the results of the ybbackupctl --list command.

--verbose, --no-verbose

Specify --verbose to get more detailed output. The default is --no-verbose.

Parent topic:ybbackupctl Commands