This view returns the current list of pending WLM rules (inactive rules) and identifies the JavaScript expression for each rule and other attributes.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
profile_name | text | Name of the profile that the rule is associated with, or (global) if it belongs to all profiles. |
rule_name | name | Name of the rule. |
rule_type | text | Type of rule: prepare , runtime , or completion |
order | integer | Rule order, expressed as a number. This number represents the order in which rules are applied, with the lowest applied first and the highest applied last. |
enabled | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled (in use). |
superuser | boolean | Whether the rule applies to superusers or non-superusers. |
expression | text | The JavaScript expression that defines the conditions and actions for the rule. |
For example:
premdb=# select * from sys.wlm_pending_rule where profile_name='shortquery';
profile_name | rule_name | rule_type | order | enabled | superuser | expression
shortquery | freeway | prepare | 100 | f | f |
shortquery | slowlane | prepare | 100 | t | t | if (w.referencedTables.contains('match')) {w.maximumRowLimit = 1000000;}
(2 rows)
Parent topic:System Views