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This system view records current replication activity, per cycle, on the source system. See also sys.log_replica_status.

Column NameData TypeDescription
database_idbigintUnique ID of the source database.
replica_idbigintUnique ID of the replica.
snapshot_idvarchar(256)Unique ID of the backup snapshot.
elapsed_msbigintElapsed time for the replication cycle (in milliseconds).
remaining_msbigintEstimated remaining time for the replication cycle (in milliseconds), based on an estimation of the size of the backup that is being restored. (This column always returns 0 in sys.log_replica_status.)
start_timetimestamptzWhen the replication cycle started.
end_timetimestamptzWhen the replication cycle ended.
statevarchar(256)Status of replication for this replica, such as RUNNING, PAUSED, NOT_STARTED.
error_stringvarchar(256)Error message, if there was a failure.
backup_session_keyvarchar(256)Unique session key for the backup used for replication.
restore_session_keyvarchar(256)Unique session key for the restore used for replication.
sent_bytesbigintNumber of bytes sent over the network.
write_bytesbigintNumber of bytes written to the replica database.


After starting replication on an empty database, when nothing has been replicated except the system catalog, you will see an entry like this:

premdb=# select * from sys.replica_status;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
database_id         | 16391
replica_id          | 16415
snapshot_id         | premdb_replica1_19_12_12_16_58_14
elapsed_ms          | 37868
remaining_ms        | 0
start_time          | 2019-12-12 16:58:14-08
end_time            | [NULL]
state               | CATALOG_COMPLETED
error_string        | [NULL]
backup_session_key  | A1pETqXv8ndvwu8z-I2_b_HjCqXKbO-tAr5Dav7M0QpUx5k2H25yEd2jMmWDof5N
restore_session_key | CmeN0iX2HD-t--YfAm9huHsjkraIYlpw9dZeZPT9-xFFSqwzswEsd8ZPlNXMAb-6
sent_bytes          | 0
write_bytes         | 0

The snapshot ID identifies a backup that is used for replication on this database. The following records show replication in flight based on data captured in new snapshots:

premdb=# select * from sys.replica_status;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
database_id         | 16391
replica_id          | 16415
snapshot_id         | premdb_replica1_19_12_12_17_14_58
elapsed_ms          | 8784
remaining_ms        | 0
start_time          | 2019-12-12 17:14:58-08
end_time            | [NULL]
state               | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string        | [NULL]
backup_session_key  | DDK-d7UVx8UMmxKPl9iPO65La7lvj-X207JY1QaWi1KIZoLbbYpnfFno3Gc-HVt0
restore_session_key | DC4O8zCY6sFB1SSQILTUvZOfGMZFiOgj_XxbA6__gi9SM4ixM7xGViFp26XoxOD1
sent_bytes          | 0
write_bytes         | 0
premdb=# select * from sys.replica_status;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
database_id         | 16391
replica_id          | 16415
snapshot_id         | premdb_replica1_19_12_12_17_28_18
elapsed_ms          | 11162
remaining_ms        | 0
start_time          | 2019-12-12 17:28:18-08
end_time            | [NULL]
state               | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string        | [NULL]
backup_session_key  | C1XW4jcEnywf8LQKycQLIW-_6RyYEiVUENQtqQmvnwEILJU7AJxcpeuuUaI-HSHy
restore_session_key | DH6janEMJMwUgCn3qtlS6030IGO_DdTefLrHin9BdbZHVdQSYL5aTF9Ki5U9DFOv
sent_bytes          | 24731019
write_bytes         | 24731019
premdb=# select * from sys.replica_status;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
database_id         | 16391
replica_id          | 16415
snapshot_id         | premdb_replica1_19_12_12_17_29_13
elapsed_ms          | 34215
remaining_ms        | 0
start_time          | 2019-12-12 17:29:13-08
end_time            | [NULL]
state               | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string        | [NULL]
backup_session_key  | AeL5WMy1W36EBiv0ea0BKhYxW0sV2Xlmrvzg0ucLUIKcg2JxlsU4zFnlBfIBWcbM
restore_session_key | CWW8BbTi2bi9KWq-GdupA9fYok_B1anAGy5fuA8OcsDlPD_GHN01FRftqet0_zFF
sent_bytes          | 138412896
write_bytes         | 138412896
premdb=# select * from sys.replica_status;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
database_id         | 16391
replica_id          | 16415
snapshot_id         | premdb_replica1_19_12_12_17_34_37
elapsed_ms          | 207203
remaining_ms        | 0
start_time          | 2019-12-12 17:34:37-08
end_time            | [NULL]
state               | USER_DATA_RUNNING
error_string        | [NULL]
backup_session_key  | DmabhirRiu7r_o0DEH4YguDjg0A0oBnESEKjvH40CXVP8W4Ug1ODvtFD-2YVbjnd
restore_session_key | AxtTYw1nAb0qqRFi93rSEA0PWU9K4O-d2RRGm2fNkZg34qyHwHZ5s23wevDI51iI
sent_bytes          | 5580363831
write_bytes         | 5580363831

Note that the replica database is in HOT_STANDBY mode and must remain in that mode while replication is running:

premdb=# \l
                                          List of databases
        Name          |    Owner    | Encoding |      Access privileges      | Read-Only | Hot Standby 
 premdb                | os_user     | LATIN9   |                             | f         | f
 premdb_replica1_db    | yellowbrick | LATIN9   |                             | f         | t

Parent topic:System Views