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Unloading Data

This section explains how to unload tables and query results, using the ybunload client tool. The ybunload client is a high-performance parallel export tool that unloads data to files on the client system. The client connects to the manager node, then distributes the work of reading and writing the data to the compute blades. Data can be returned to the client in compressed (GZIP) or uncompressed files. The unloaded data can be streamed out to multiple output files or combined into a single file, depending on your requirements.

Download and install the unload client (as part of the ybtools package) from the SMC or the Customer Support download site. Then run the Linux and Windows executable programs:

  • ybunload on Linux
  • ybunload.exe on Windows

Note: Yellowbrick recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of the ybtools clients when you upgrade the appliance so that your client and server versions correspond. The client tools are backward-compatible but not always forward-compatible.

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