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Round a number (up or down) to the nearest integer. Optionally, specify a decimal precision for the rounding.

ROUND(number [, places])

If only number is specified, the function rounds to the nearest whole number. If places is also specified, the function rounds to the nearest number with that many decimal places of precision.

The first argument can be any numeric data type. However, if both arguments are used, the first argument cannot be a floating-point data type. If you want to round a floating-point number to a specific decimal precision, you must explicitly cast the number to a decimal data type. For example:

premdb=# create table floats (f1 float8);
premdb=# insert into floats values(1234567890.12334567890);
premdb=# select round(f1,3) from floats;
ERROR:  function round(double precision, integer) does not exist
LINE 2: select round(f1,3) from floats;
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
premdb=# select round(f1::decimal(19,5),3) from floats;
(1 row)


Round up to the nearest whole number:

premdb=# select round(2.5) from sys.const;
(1 row)

Round up with a precision of two decimal places:

premdb=# select round(2.5,2) from sys.const;
(1 row)

The following example rounds the results of an AVG function to a precision of three decimal places.

premdb=# SELECT seasonid, AVG(SUBSTR(ftscore,3,1)::INT), 
ROUND(AVG(SUBSTR(ftscore,3,1)::INT),3) roundgoals FROM match GROUP BY seasonid ORDER BY 2;
 seasonid |            avg            | roundgoals 
      15 | 0.99736842105263157894736 |      0.997
      14 | 1.02368421052631578947368 |      1.024
      13 | 1.06578947368421052631578 |      1.066
       9 | 1.06578947368421052631578 |      1.066
       7 | 1.06842105263157894736842 |      1.068
      18 | 1.07368421052631578947368 |      1.074
       4 | 1.07368421052631578947368 |      1.074
       3 | 1.07792207792207792207792 |      1.078
      17 | 1.07894736842105263157894 |      1.079
       1 | 1.08008658008658008658008 |      1.080
       5 | 1.08157894736842105263157 |      1.082

The following example rounds DECIMAL values to the nearest integer.

premdb=# SELECT atid, htid, atid/htid::DEC(7,2), 
ROUND(atid/htid::DEC(7,2)) FROM team;
 atid | htid |  ?column?   | round 
   51 |    2 | 25.50000000 |    26
   52 |    3 | 17.33333333 |    17
   53 |    4 | 13.25000000 |    13
   54 |    5 | 10.80000000 |    11
   55 |    6 |  9.16666666 |     9
   56 |    7 |  8.00000000 |     8
   57 |    8 |  7.12500000 |     7
   58 |    9 |  6.44444444 |     6
   59 |   10 |  5.90000000 |     6
   60 |   11 |  5.45454545 |     5
   61 |   12 |  5.08333333 |     5
   62 |   13 |  4.76923076 |     5
   63 |   14 |  4.50000000 |     5

Parent topic:Mathematical Functions