This view returns the current list of pending WLM resource pools (inactive pools) and identifies their profile and other attributes.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
name | text | Name of the resource pool. |
profile_name | text | Name of the profile where the resource pool was created. |
memory_requested | text | Percentage or amount of available memory requested for the pool. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22% - A value in MB, such as 32768MB - remainder , which means the resource pool is requesting whatever memory is left over (equivalent to Any in the SMC). |
memory_per_query_bytes | bigint | Actual amount of memory available per query, in bytes. |
temp_space_requested | text | Percentage or amount of temporary space requested for spilling, as a percentage. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22% - A value in MB, such as 32768MB - remainder , which means the resource pool is requesting whatever temporary space is left over (equivalent to Any in the SMC). |
temp_space_per_query_bytes | bigint | Actual amount of temporary space for spilling available per query, in bytes. |
max_concurrency | bigint | Maximum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool. |
min_concurrency | bigint | Minimum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool. |
queue_size | bigint | Number of queries that can wait in the queue for this pool. |
For example:
premdb=# select * from sys.wlm_pending_pool;
name | profile_name | memory_requested | memory_per_query_bytes | temp_space_requested | temp_space_per_query_bytes | max_concurrency | min_concurrency | queue_size
bar: mix | bar | remainder | 546308096 | remainder | 258998272 | 12 | 3 | 1000
bar: long | bar | 22% | 1851785216 | 22% | 879755264 | 1 | 1 | 1000
large | default | remainder | 4208984064 | remainder | 1999634432 | 2 | 1 | 100
mix | flex | remainder | 546308096 | remainder | 258998272 | 12 | 3 | 1000
long | flex | 22% | 1851785216 | 22% | 879755264 | 1 | 1 | 1000
maintenance | maintenance | 100% | 8417968128 | remainder | 3999268864 | 1 | 1 | 100
(6 rows)
Parent topic:System Views