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Return the status of various system components.

status all
status blade [ <chassis>/<bay> ]
status cmp [ <chassis>/<cmp> ]
status database
status manager [ local | remote | all ]
status storage
status system

Note: For status blade and status cmp, specify a chassis number (or all) and a bay or cmp number (or all). For example: 0/1, all/1, all/all, 1/all (without spaces).


Return the status of all components.


Return the UUID, current status, CPU and memory usage, uptime, encryption status, and drive status/wear for one or all blades. For example:

YBCLI(8911) (PRIMARY - yb100-mgr0)> blade status 1/3

Chassis:  1
Blade Bay:  3 -> BOOTED  UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-38B8EBD006F4 - Version: YBOS-2.0.4-DEBUG   
		 BIOS: v05.04.21.0038.00.011 - Memory total/free: 65587652/1870728 KiB
		 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2618L v4 @ 2.20GHz - Cores: 10 - Load: 1%
		 Address: - Uptime: 0 day(s), 01:59:29 - Worker: Running
		 Encryption Supported: YES - Encryption Enabled: NO - locked: N/A
		 SSD status/wear: 0: S3EWNWAJ311166N  OK/0%       1: S3EWNWAJ330207R  OK/0%       
		                  2: S3EWNWAJ311169V  OK/0%       3: S3EWNWAJ330208K  OK/0%       
		                  4: S3EWNWAJ312492R  OK/0%       5: S3EWNWAJ330205H  OK/0%       
		                  6: S3EWNWAJ312493K  OK/0%       7: S3EWNWAJ330206Z  OK/0%       
		 Cluster status: OPERATIONAL - Cluster role: MEMBER - Last seen: just now

Note: If the amount of memory installed on the blades varies (based on the amount reported for the first blade), you will see red text for the memory information and a warning message at the end of the output. You will also see a warning if the BIOS is being flashed on one or more blades. These blades will automatically reset when BIOS flashing is complete.


Return the status of the chassis management processors (CMPs) and InfiniBand switches on the manager nodes. The output includes link status for all of the InfiniBand ports. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> status cmp 1/1

Chassis:  1
CMP1 version: 2.53 Role: PRIMARY
Blade link status
Port 1 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 2 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 3 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 4 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 5 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 6 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 7 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 8 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port 9 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port10 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Port11 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4

External link status
Ext port 1 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 2 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 3 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 4 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 5 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 6 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 7 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4
Ext port 8 -> UP - Link: FDR,x4

Return the status of the database software stack, including uptime. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> status database

Database system running        : YES
Database system ready          : YES
Database system read-only      : NO
Database system uptime         : 02:32:49
Database system users connected: 4 (including system users)

Return uptime and CPU and memory usage on one or both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> status manager all

Host         :
Uptime       : 15 days, 05:55:48
Users online : 2
CPU usage    : 3.1 %
Memory used  : 10G GiB
Memory free  : 229G GiB

Remote manager node

Host         :
Uptime       : 15 days, 05:56:52
Users online : 0
CPU usage    : 0.0 %
Memory used  : 2.6G GiB
Memory free  : 246G GiB

Return free and used storage space on the manager node file systems, including the database row store, and storage quotas on the primary manager node. For example:

YBCLI(22042) (PRIMARY - yb007-mgr0)> status storage

OS filesystem       : 139G free -  12G used
HA filesystem       : 943G free -  11G used
Rowstore filesystem : 874G free -  21G used
Spool filesystem    : 894G free -  33M used

Storage quotas: 
	Database frontend  : 221.0M of 200G used
	Cluster manager    : 259.4M of 330G used

Remote manager node

OS filesystem       : 146G free - 4.6G used
HA filesystem       : N/A (SECONDARY)
Rowstore filesystem : N/A (SECONDARY)
Spool filesystem    : 894G free -  33M used

Storage quotas: N/A (SECONDARY)

This command returns two entries for storage quotas:

  • Database frontend: Amount of storage space being used for the database system catalog.
  • Cluster manager: Amount of storage space being used by the compiler.

Return the overall status of the system, indicating the status of the manager nodes and whether the database is running. For example:

YBCLI(30354) (PRIMARY - yb98-mgr0)> status system

Manager nodes configured: 2
Node 1 (PRIMARY - LOCAL NODE ) : yb98-mgr0 -> ONLINE
Node 2 (SECONDARY - REMOTE NODE ) : yb98-mgr1 -> ONLINE

Database system running            : YES
Database system ready              : YES (Responding: YES)
Database system read-only          : NO
Database system catalog rowstore   : NORMAL
Database system rowstore           : NORMAL
Database system storage used       : 20%
Database system uptime             : 14:59:42
System work status                 : gc:idle  parityrebuild:idle  analyzer:idle  system:idle  user:active,idle 
Data collection running            : YES
Blade parity                       : Enabled
Blade parity rebuilding            : NO (Progress: N/A)
Blade data check in-progress       : NO
Shard rewriting                    : NO (0 shards pending)
Cluster degraded mode              : YES (Reason: Drive(s) failed)
Maintenance mode                   : NO
Software update in-progress        : NO (Version: 4.1.1-24805)
Floating system IP                 : -
System registered                  : NO
LDAP status                        : Not configured
Encryption keystore                : Available - Status: Not setup
Chassis configuration              : Found: 1 - Configured: 1
Add-ons                            : None                          : None

Parent topic:ybcli Reference