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ybrestore Options

This section contains detailed descriptions of the ybrestore options. Many of these options work the same for ybbackup and ybbackupctl. See ybbackup Options.

To see all of these options in the online help, run the ybrestore --help and ybrestore --help-advanced commands.

--cacert STRING

Customize trust with secured communication; use this option in combination with the --secured option. Enter the file name of a custom PEM-encoded certificate or the file name and password for a Java KeyStore (JKS).

For PEM format, the file must be named with a .pem, .cert, .cer, .crt, or .key extension. For example:

--cacert cacert.pem

For JKS format, files are always password-protected. Use the following format:

--cacert yellowbrick.jks:changeit

where the : character separates the file name from the password of the keystore.

See also Enabling SSL/TLS Encryption.

-c STRING, --chain STRING

Name the backup chain to use for the restore. See ybbackup Options for information about backup chains.

-d, --dbname STRING

Name the database to restore. The named database must not already exist on the target system.

--disable-trust, -k

Disable SSL/TLS trust when using secured communications. Trust is enabled by default. See also Enabling SSL/TLS Encryption.

Important: This option is not supported for use on production systems and is only recommended for testing purposes. It may be useful to disable trust during testing, then enable it when a formal signed certificate is installed on the appliance.

-?, --help, --help-advanced

Return help text for all of the ybrestore options.

-h, --host

The database server host. Alternatively, you can set this value with the YBHOST environment variable. Defaults to localhost.

--hot-standby [ ON | OFF ]

Put a restored database in HOT_STANDBY mode (ON) or take it out of HOT_STANDBY mode (OFF) when the restore operation is complete. The default is ON. If multiple restore operations are restored in a sequence, this setting is not applied until the last restore is complete. See HOT_STANDBY and READONLY Modes.

--initial-connection-timeout NUMBER_MIN_0

Specify the number of seconds to wait for initial connections to the database. Specify 0 to wait indefinitely. Default: 120.


Return the Java version that is running on the client system. The client tools require the 64-bit version of Java 8 (also known as Java 1.8). Java 9 and 10 are not supported.

--log-level OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG | TRACE

Specify the logging level for the default console output. The default level is INFO. (Use the --logfile-log-level option to specify the logging level for a named log file.)

--logfile STRING

Specify the name and location of a log file for the restore operation. If the specified file already exists, it will be truncated. If this option is not specified, no log file is written. When you specify this --logfile option, also specify a --logfile-log-level value other than OFF.

--logfile-log-level OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG | TRACE

Specify the logging level for a given log file (as defined with the --logfile option). If the level is not specified, it defaults to the --log-level value. You must specify a --logfile-log-level value other than OFF when you specify the --logfile option.

-a, --point STRING

Specify the restore point in one of three ways:

  • latest or oldest backup in the chain
  • Backup snapshot name (the value for --name when the ybbackup command was run). For example: PremDBFullBackup20190906 or DB1_Sept_06
  • Backup timestamp in YYMMDD HH:MM:DD format. For example: 190906 12:00:00
-p, --port

The database server port. Alternatively, set this value with the YBPORT environment variable. Default: 5432


Preserve LDAP settings in the restored database. This means that the restored system will recognize and preserve LDAP authentication and synchronization settings that were configured for the source system. The default is not to preserve these LDAP settings.

-q, --quiet

Do not write any output to the screen. This option is suitable for cron invocations. If this option is specified, you must also specify --logfile.


Use SSL/TLS to secure all communications. The default is not secured. See also Enabling SSL/TLS Encryption.

--security-mode ALL | NONE

Restore all security-related objects, including users, roles, ACLs, and privileges granted on objects. The default is NONE (restore none of these). Superuser privileges are not restored in either case.

-U, --username

Specify the database user running the restore. Alternatively, set this value with the YBUSER environment variable.


Return the software version for the backup tools.

-W, --password

Interactively prompt for the database user's password. Do not enter a password on the command line if you use this option. For non-interactive password entry, set the YBPASSWORD environment variable.

Parent topic:ybrestore Commands