Escape Sequences for Non-Printable Characters
The following table shows valid escape sequences for commonly used non-printable characters.
Dec | Backslash Char | Backslash Octal | Hex | Backslash SQL Unicode (4) ** | Backslash SQL Unicode (6) ** | ybload Unicode (2,4,6,8)*** | Abbreviation | Description |
0 | \0 * | \000 | \x00 | \u0000 | \U000000 | U+0000 | NUL | null |
1 | \001 | \x01 | \u0001 | \U000001 | U+0001 | SOH | start of header | |
2 | \002 | \x02 | \u0002 | \U000002 | U+0002 | STX | start of text | |
3 | \003 | \x03 | \u0003 | \U000003 | U+0003 | ETX | end of text | |
4 | \004 | \x04 | \u0004 | \U000004 | U+0004 | EOT | end of transmission | |
5 | \005 | \x05 | \u0005 | \U000005 | U+0005 | ENQ | enquiry | |
6 | \006 | \x06 | \u0006 | \U000006 | U+0006 | ACK | acknowledge | |
7 | \007 | \x07 | \u0007 | \U000007 | U+0007 | BEL | bell | |
8 | \b | \010 | \x08 | \u0008 | \U000008 | U+0008 | BS | backspace |
9 | \t | \011 | \x09 | \u0009 | \U000009 | U+0009 | HT | horizontal tab |
10 | \n | \012 | \x0A | \u000A | \U00000A | U+000A | LF | line feed |
11 | \013 | \x0B | \u000B | \U00000B | U+000B | VT | vertical tab | |
12 | \f | \014 | \x0C | \u000C | \U00000C | U+000C | FF | form feed |
13 | \r & \m | \015 | \x0D | \u000D | \U00000D | U+000D | CR | enter / carriage return |
14 | \016 | \x0E | \u000E | \U00000E | U+000E | SO | shift out | |
15 | \017 | \x0F | \u000F | \U00000F | U+000F | SI | shift in | |
16 | \020 | \x10 | \u0010 | \U000010 | U+0010 | DLE | data link escape | |
17 | \021 | \x11 | \u0011 | \U000011 | U+0011 | DC1 | device control 1 | |
18 | \022 | \x12 | \u0012 | \U000012 | U+0012 | DC2 | device control 2 | |
19 | \023 | \x13 | \u0013 | \U000013 | U+0013 | DC3 | device control 3 | |
20 | \024 | \x14 | \u0014 | \U000014 | U+0014 | DC4 | device control 4 | |
21 | \025 | \x15 | \u0015 | \U000015 | U+0015 | NAK | negative acknowledge | |
22 | \026 | \x16 | \u0016 | \U000016 | U+0016 | SYN | synchronize | |
23 | \027 | \x17 | \u0017 | \U000017 | U+0017 | ETB | end of trans. block | |
24 | \030 | \x18 | \u0018 | \U000018 | U+0018 | CAN | cancel | |
25 | \031 | \x19 | \u0019 | \U000019 | U+0019 | EM | end of medium | |
26 | \032 | \x1A | \u001A | \U00001A | U+001A | SUB | substitute | |
27 | \033 | \x1B | \u001B | \U00001B | U+001B | ESC | escape | |
28 | \034 | \x1C | \u001C | \U00001C | U+001C | FS | file separator | |
29 | \035 | \x1D | \u001D | \U00001D | U+001D | GS | group separator | |
30 | \rs* | \036 | \x1E | \u001E | \U00001E | U+001E | RS | record separator |
31 | \us* | \037 | \x1F | \u001F | \U00001F | U+001F | US | unit separator |
127 | \177 | \x7F | \u007F | \U00007F | U+007F | DEL | delete |
- * These sequences are for
only. - ** These sequences are separate from the
escape sequences. - *** These sequences are for
only. They can be 2, 4, 6, or 8 hex digits wide.
Parent topic:SQL String Constants