Managing Alerts
To manage active and logged alerts, you can use the SMC views, or you can query system views.
SMC Views
Go to Manage > Cluster Alerts. To change the display, click Options. For example:
Go to Configure > Alerting > Endpoints to see a quick summary of the number of alerts that have been processed recently or that have failed with errors. For example:
You can click Recent Notifications to see a list of recent alert messages for that endpoint.
System Views
To see active alerts (alerts in OPEN
state), query the sys.alert view. For example:
yellowbrick=# select * from sys.alert;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------------------------
alert_id | c3346760-51c9-4b23-b5b7-bcb1cc00d262
alert_name | Power Supply Alert
open_time | 2018-08-16 15:32:34-07
close_time | [NULL]
last_update_time | 2018-08-16 15:32:34-07
duration_ms | 74426598.612
resource | chassis0:power4
severity | CRITICAL
status | OPEN
state | error
message | The power supply stopped: power supply status is error.
acknowledged | f
acknowledged_time | [NULL]
acknowledged_by | [NULL]
acknowledged_text | [NULL]
To see all logged alerts that have been CLOSED
and any alerts that remain OPEN
, query the sys.log_alert view. For example:
yellowbrick=# select * from sys.log_alert;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alert_id | 180f13ae-3d4d-4452-9433-e44b1673b6c1
alert_name | Database State
open_time | 2018-08-14 01:16:37-07
close_time | 2018-08-14 01:16:51.073-07
last_update_time | 2018-08-14 01:16:51-07
duration_ms | 14073.000
resource | database:state
severity | CRITICAL
status | CLOSED
state | offline
message | The database stopped running: not enough compute nodes to start
acknowledged | f
acknowledged_time | [NULL]
acknowledged_by | [NULL]
acknowledged_text | [NULL]
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alert_id | bdf4f281-5eec-4321-81a2-a3dc20b49178
alert_name | Database State
open_time | 2018-08-14 01:16:51-07
close_time | 2018-08-14 01:18:59.148-07
last_update_time | 2018-08-14 01:18:59-07
duration_ms | 128148.000
resource | database:state
status | CLOSED
state | stopped
message | The database was stopped by an administrator
acknowledged | f
acknowledged_time | [NULL]
acknowledged_by | [NULL]
acknowledged_text | [NULL]
Parent topic:System Alerts