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This view records the history of restore (ybrestore) operations that are run with pre-Version 4.0 legacy tools. A unique row is defined by the transaction ID assigned to the restore operation.

See sys.log_backup for column descriptions.


premdb=# select * from sys.log_restore;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key           | CkXj39RYRVFhTNnHWzfzWxyG8VdTTXm5jIXDcgAzxZKjgJXAdnYYyGYaoJmpoxzj
state                 | DONE
error_string          | [NULL]
object_id             | 16437
user_id               | 16434
session_id            | 16703
object_name           | restored_premdb
user_name             | bobr
client_hostname       | localhost
client_username       | yb100
start_time            | 2018-12-02 14:33:59.352-07
end_time              | 2018-12-02 14:34:00.118-07
transaction_id        | 42153
restore_name          | dec02
directories           | [/home/ybdata/backups]
sent_bytes            | 0
sent_bytes_per_second | 0
nodata                | f

Parent topic:System Views