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System Alerts

You can use the SMC to configure alerts that are triggered when specific conditions occur on the system, such as database state changes or elevated temperature readings on hardware components. Some alerts are system-defined and ready for use, but for others you can define specific thresholds and rules. For all alerts, you can create "endpoints" that define how alert messages are published to users and what they contain.

To start using the alerting feature, log into the SMC and go to Configure > Alerting. To see active and logged alerts, go to Manage > Cluster Alerts or query the sys.alert and sys.log_alert views.

System-Defined and User-Defined Alerts

System-defined alerts cannot be changed. They are always enabled and are triggered according to a specific set of rules that you cannot edit.

User-defined alerts have default behavior that you can change by setting a threshold or by creating and using WLM rules. You cannot create completely new user-defined alerts. User-defined alerts must be enabled individually. Disabled alerts are not triggered. In this example, some of the alerts are disabled.

For more details about all of these alerts, see Alert Types.


You configure how alerts are published to consumers by defining endpoints:

  • Notify Yellowbrick support (phonehome)
  • Send email
  • Post to web service (http)
  • Send an SNMP trap

See Creating an Alert Endpoint.

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