This system view returns information about alerts that have been recorded on the system. See also sys.alert.
For example:
yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.log_alert where acknowledged='t';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------
alert_id | 67f3713b-476a-40e1-87a4-625b570eb16d
alert_name | Power Supply Alert
open_time | 2018-08-14 01:21:08-07
close_time | [NULL]
last_update_time | 2018-08-15 15:55:40-07
duration_ms | 138882336.927
resource | chassis0:power4
severity | CRITICAL
status | OPEN
state | error
message | The power supply failed: alert_status
acknowledged | t
acknowledged_time | 2018-08-15 15:55:40.993-07
acknowledged_by | yellowbrick
acknowledged_text |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+--------------------------------------
alert_id | d9ba42e0-51ca-4953-b08d-023f27a0cd6a
alert_name | Power Supply Alert
open_time | 2018-08-14 01:21:08-07
close_time | [NULL]
last_update_time | 2018-08-15 15:55:40-07
duration_ms | 138882336.927
resource | chassis0:power3
severity | CRITICAL
status | OPEN
state | error
message | The power supply failed: alert_status
acknowledged | t
acknowledged_time | 2018-08-15 15:55:40.993-07
acknowledged_by | yellowbrick
acknowledged_text |
-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+--------------------------------------
Parent topic:System Views