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Split a character string where a delimiter string falls, then return one part of the string according to its numeric position.

SPLIT_PART(string, delimiter, number)

For example, the following string has five parts delimited by commas:


The first part of this string is the value 10, the second is 20, and so on.

In the following example, the query splits the ftscore column on the hyphen character (-), then returns the values on either side as home and away goals:

premdb=# SELECT ftscore, SPLIT_PART(ftscore,'-',1) homegoals, SPLIT_PART(ftscore,'-',2) awaygoals 
FROM match LIMIT 5;
 ftscore | homegoals | awaygoals 
 0-1     | 0         | 1
 0-1     | 0         | 1
 2-1     | 2         | 1
 3-0     | 3         | 0
 3-0     | 3         | 0
(5 rows)

Parent topic:String Functions