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Retrieve health-related information for various system components, including any hardware-level alerts from those components.

health all
health blade [ <chassis>/<bay> ]
health cmp [ <chassis>/<cmp> ]
health fan [ <chassis>/<fan> | all ]
health fan chassis [ <chassis>/<fan> | all ]
health fan manager [ local | remote | all ]
health network
health psu [ <chassis>/<psu> | all ]
health psu chassis [ <chassis>/<psu> | all ]
health psu manager [ local | remote | all ]
health storage

Note: Specify a chassis number (or all) and a bay/cmp/psu/fan number (or all). For example: 0/1, all/1, all/all, 1/all (without spaces).


Return health information for all of the components on all chassis: blades, fans, power supplies, chassis processors, network bonds and NICs on both manager nodes, and so on. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health all

Chassis:  0
Bay:  1 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA17031300483 Temp CPU: 43C Inlet: 26C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Bay:  2 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA16080300CBC Temp CPU: 42C Inlet: 27C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Bay:  3 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA17010900681 Temp CPU: 41C Inlet: 25C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Bay:  4 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA17031300500 Temp CPU: 44C Inlet: 27C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Bay:  5 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA170313004F6 Temp CPU: 40C Inlet: 24C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Bay:  6 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0005-01 R01 Serial: TAA1703130053C Temp CPU: 41C Inlet: 27C State: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running
Retrieving blade alerts...

Blade alerts reported: None

Chassis:  1

Return health information for one blade (given a chassis number and a bay number) or all blades. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health blade 1/10

Chassis:  1
Bay: 10 HW Status: ok    Power: on LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0008-01 R01 Serial: TAA18040900C76 Temp: 45C CPU: Booted (YBOS) Worker: Running

Retrieving blade alerts...

Blade alerts reported: None

Note: You will see a warning if the BIOS is being flashed on one or more blades. These blades will automatically reset when BIOS flashing is complete.


Return chassis management processor (CMP) health information for one or both CMP bays on one or all chassis. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health cmp all

Remote manager node

Chassis:  0
CMP1 Primary   Status: ok Temp: 58C LED: [ FAST ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0001-03 R02 Serial: TAB17080111110 - Uptime: 376405 seconds
CMP2 Secondary Status: ok Temp: 58C LED: [ FAST SLOW OFF  ] FRU: C4-0001-03 R02 Serial: TAB17080111114 - Uptime: 376403 seconds

CMP alerts reported: None

Chassis:  1
CMP1 Primary   Status: ok Temp: 45C LED: [ OFF  ON   OFF  ] FRU: C4-0001-01 R02 Serial: TAB1612081105A - Uptime: 324806 seconds
CMP2 Secondary Status: ok Temp: 58C LED: [ OFF  SLOW OFF  ] FRU: C4-0001-04 R01 Serial: TAB17020811084 - Uptime: 376393 seconds

CMP alerts reported: None

Return health information for one of the five fans on one or all chassis, or all fans. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health fan all

Chassis:  0
Fan: 1 Status: ok - RPM: 3744/3558 (20%/20%)
Fan: 2 Status: ok - RPM: 3752/3464 (20%/20%)
Fan: 3 Status: ok - RPM: 3727/3467 (20%/20%)
Fan: 4 Status: ok - RPM: 3709/3526 (20%/20%)
Fan: 5 Status: ok - RPM: 3759/3455 (20%/20%)

Fan alerts reported: None

Chassis:  1
Fan: 1 Status: ok - RPM: 3741/3532 (20%/20%)
Fan: 2 Status: ok - RPM: 3748/3507 (20%/20%)
Fan: 3 Status: ok - RPM: 3730/3489 (20%/20%)
Fan: 4 Status: ok - RPM: 3716/3473 (20%/20%)
Fan: 5 Status: ok - RPM: 3727/3532 (20%/20%)

Fan alerts reported: None
YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health fan 1/5

Chassis:  1
Fan: 5 Status: ok - RPM: 3727/3536 (20%/20%)

Fan alerts reported: None
fan chassis

Return health information for just the chassis fan, either individually (1 through 5) or all. For example:

YBCLI(49290) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> health fan chassis all

Chassis:  0
FAN1 Status: ok - RPM: 3276/3086 (15%/15%) 
FAN2 Status: ok - RPM: 3202/2974 (15%/15%)
FAN3 Status: ok - RPM: 3236/3008 (15%/15%) 
FAN4 Status: ok - RPM: 3255/3036 (15%/15%) 
FAN5 Status: ok - RPM: 3194/2981 (15%/15%)  

Chassis FAN alerts reported: None
fan manager

Return health information for just the manager node fans. For example:

YBCLI(13171) (PRIMARY - yb98-mgr0)> health fan manager all

Manager node (yb98-mgr0)
FAN1 Status: ok RPM: 5700 
FAN2 Status: ok RPM: 6000 
FAN3 Status: ok RPM: 6100 
FAN4 Status: ok RPM: 6000 
FAN5 Status: ok RPM: 5800 
FAN6 Status: ok RPM: 5900 
FAN7 Status: ok RPM: 5800 
FAN8 Status: ok RPM: 5600 

Remote manager node

Manager node (yb98-mgr1)
FAN1 Status: ok RPM: 5700 
FAN2 Status: ok RPM: 6100 
FAN3 Status: ok RPM: 6000 
FAN4 Status: ok RPM: 5800 
FAN5 Status: ok RPM: 6400 
FAN6 Status: ok RPM: 6100 
FAN7 Status: ok RPM: 6100 
FAN8 Status: ok RPM: 6100

Return customer, blade, and HA network health information for both manager nodes: bonds, NICs, and overall status. The possible status values are OK, WARNING, and ERROR. For example:

YBCLI(19584) (PRIMARY - yb98-mgr0)> health network

Network health:

Customer network bond	: Link UP - Address: - Speed: 20000 Mbit
	MAC: 90:e2:ba:a6:64:69
	RX errors 0  dropped 0
	TX errors 0  dropped 0

		39   : Address: N/A
		       RX errors 0  dropped 0
		       TX errors 0  dropped 0

		198  : Address:
		       RX errors 0  dropped 0
		       TX errors 0  dropped 0

Customer network (NIC1)	: Link UP  
	MAC: 90:e2:ba:a6:64:68
	Transceiver type(s): 
		Infiniband: 1X Copper Passive 
		FC: Copper Passive 

Customer network (NIC2)	: Link UP  
	MAC: 90:e2:ba:a6:64:68
	Transceiver type(s): 
		Infiniband: 1X Copper Passive 
		FC: Copper Passive 

Customer network (NIC3)	: Not present
Customer network (NIC4)	: Not present

Blade network bond	: Link UP - Address:
Blade network (NIC1)	: Link UP
Blade network (NIC2)	: Link UP

HA network bond		: Link UP - Address:
HA network (NIC1)	: Link UP
HA network (NIC2)	: Link UP

Chassis-0 mgmt network	: Link UP - Address:
Chassis-0 cmp ip addr 	:
Chassis-1 mgmt network	: Link UP - Address:
Chassis-1 cmp ip addr 	:
Chassis-2 mgmt network	: Link UP - Address:
Chassis-2 cmp ip addr 	:
Chassis-3 mgmt network	: Link DOWN (Not configured)
Chassis-3 cmp ip addr 	: N/A

Network Ping Status	: 
	Floating system IP : OK - Address:
	Customer network IP: OK - Address:
	DNS                : OK - Address:
	                   : OK - Address:
	NTP                : OK - Address:
	                   : OK - Address:
		39  : Floating system IP : N/A
		      Customer network IP: N/A

		198 : Floating system IP : OK - Address:
		      Customer network IP: OK - Address:

Overall network health	: OK

Remote manager node

Network health:

Return health information for both chassis and manager node power supplies. For example:

YBCLI(49290) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> health psu all

Chassis:  0
Power supply: 1 Status: ok - Input voltage: 207V
Power supply: 2 Status: ok - Input voltage: 207V
Power supply: 3 Status: ok - Input voltage: 208V
Power supply: 4 Status: ok - Input voltage: 208V

Chassis PSU alerts reported: None

Manager node (yb97-mgr0)
Power supply: 2 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present
Power supply: 1 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present

Remote manager node

Manager node (yb97-mgr1)
Power supply: 1 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present
Power supply: 2 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present
psu chassis

Return health information for just the chassis power supplies, either individually (1 through 4) or all. For example:

YBCLI(49290) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> health psu chassis all

Chassis:  0
Power supply: 1 Status: ok - Input voltage: 207V
Power supply: 2 Status: ok - Input voltage: 206V
Power supply: 3 Status: ok - Input voltage: 209V
Power supply: 4 Status: ok - Input voltage: 208V

Chassis PSU alerts reported: None
psu manager

Return health information for just the manager node power supplies, either local, remote, or all. For example:

YBCLI(29029) (PRIMARY - yb98-mgr0)> health psu manager all

Manager node (yb98-mgr0)
Power supply: 1 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present
Power supply: 2 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present

Remote manager node

Manager node (yb98-mgr1)
Power supply: 1 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present
Power supply: 2 Status: ok Presence: Installed - AC Present

Return storage health information for both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> health storage

Manager node OS RAID      : OK       Drive0: OK         Drive1: OK        
Manager node HA RAID      : OK       Drive0: OK         Drive1: OK        
Manager node SPOOL RAID   : OK       Drive0: OK         Drive1: OK        
Manager node ROWSTORE RAID: OK       Drive0: OK         Drive1: OK        
Encryption status         : No drives locked

OS drive0 (sdd) NAND spare    : 100 %
OS drive0 (sdd) NAND life used:   0 %

OS drive1 (sdc) NAND spare    : 100 %
OS drive1 (sdc) NAND life used:   0 %


Parent topic:ybcli Reference