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ybcli Reference

The ybcli tool is the command-line interface (CLI) for Yellowbrick system management. This CLI is intended for managing the appliance at the system and hardware level; it is not intended for managing the database, except for starting and stopping the database software or validating its runtime status. ybcli is installed on the manager nodes only and runs directly on both nodes.

ybcli is very useful for system diagnostics, troubleshooting, and general interaction with the Yellowbrick appliance. You can use ybcli to control and manage system components as long as the associated hardware is operational; some ybcli commands may fail if the hardware required to execute a given command is down.

You can run ybcli interactively or in script mode. To use ybcli interactively, log into one of the manager nodes as the ybdadmin user, then type ybcli:

[ybdadmin@yb100-mgr0 ~]$ ybcli

Yellowbrick Data CLI vx.x.x
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Yellowbrick Data, Inc.
All rights reserved
Redundant manager node detected
YBCLI is currently running on the PRIMARY manager node
Local manager node : (PRIMARY)
Remote manager node: (SECONDARY)

Type 'help' for a list of supported commands

YBCLI (PRIMARY - yb00-mgr0)>

The manager node that is currently servicing database operations and queries is considered the primary manager node. The other manager node is considered the secondary manager node. You can run ybcli on either manager node; the node where you are currently running ybcli is known as the local manager node, and the other node is known as the remote manager node. The nodes are clearly identified when you start ybcli.

As needed, ybcli operations are relayed from the local node to the remote node. However, some commands must be run directly from the local node (for example, tailing the logs), and some commands can be run only on the local node (for example, creating users and changing passwords).

Type help for a list of supported commands:

YBCLI (PRIMARY - yb00-mgr0)> help

Available YBCLI commands. Type 'help <command>' for details           
blade  config    debug       exit    help      log      quit    system
clear  database  encryption  health  keystore  manager  status

For more details, see help.

Tip: You can use tab completion to fill out keywords on the screen and return help information. When you reach the end of a keyword, press the Tab key twice. For example, after typing system and a space, press Tab twice to return the following output:

YBCLI (PRIMARY - yb00-mgr0)> system 
appliance    blackout     diagnostics  factory      failover     maintenance  register     shutdown     status

The ybcli takes optional -c and -y parameters:

  • -c: Disable the use of color in command output
  • -y: Answer yes to all questions. This parameter is only valid in script mode.

Tip: You can see a history of ybcli commands that were run in the current session or a previous session by entering the up and down arrows at the prompt.

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