This system view shows the current locks on all tables in the database. You can use this view to find lock conflicts on tables.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_id | bigint | Unique ID of the table. |
database_id | bigint | Unique ID of the database. |
object_type | text | Always TABLE . |
session_id | integer | Unique database session ID. |
is_granted | boolean | Whether the requested lock was granted. |
lock_type | text | Type of lock requested. |
bocked_by_session_id | integer | Session ID that is blocking the requested lock (NULL if not blocked). |
yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.lock
order by table_id, database_id;
table_id | database_id | object_type | session_id | is_granted | lock_type | blocked_by_session_id
1247 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
1259 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
1260 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
1262 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2615 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2662 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2663 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2671 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2672 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2676 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2677 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2684 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2685 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2703 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2704 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
2840 | 17106 | TABLE | 4867 | t | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock |
2841 | 17106 | TABLE | 4867 | t | RowExclusiveLock |
2964 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
2965 | 0 | TABLE | 16175 | t | AccessShareLock |
3455 | 17106 | TABLE | 39525 | t | AccessShareLock |
5003 | 0 | TABLE | 35946 | t | RowExclusiveLock |
5003 | 0 | TABLE | 35946 | t | AccessShareLock |
yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.lock
where blocked_by_session_id is not null;
table_id | database_id | object_type | session_id | is_granted | lock_type | blocked_by_session_id
1812902 | 17106 | TABLE | 28200 | f | AccessShareLock | 28264
17137 | 17106 | TABLE | 28770 | f | ExclusiveLock | 35873
17137 | 17106 | TABLE | 28770 | f | ExclusiveLock | 35873
(3 rows)
yellowbrick_test=# select sct.table_id,, ssl.lock_type
from sys.table sct join sys.lock ssl on sct.table_id=ssl.table_id and sct.database_id=ssl.database_id;
table_id | name | lock_type
56889 | ThirdPartyDataGeneralPopulationOverlap | AccessShareLock
17395 | TargetingDataUniqueThirdPartyUsers | AccessShareLock
17395 | TargetingDataUniqueThirdPartyUsers | ExclusiveLock
17386 | TargetingData | AccessShareLock
56865 | LookAlikeModelResult | AccessShareLock
56865 | LookAlikeModelResult | ExclusiveLock
Parent topic:System Views