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This system view shows the current locks on all tables in the database. You can use this view to find lock conflicts on tables.

Column NameData TypeDescription
table_idbigintUnique ID of the table.
database_idbigintUnique ID of the database.
object_typetextAlways TABLE.
session_idintegerUnique database session ID.
is_grantedbooleanWhether the requested lock was granted.
lock_typetextType of lock requested.
bocked_by_session_idintegerSession ID that is blocking the requested lock (NULL if not blocked).


yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.lock 
order by table_id, database_id;
 table_id  | database_id | object_type | session_id | is_granted |        lock_type         | blocked_by_session_id 
     1247 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     1259 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     1260 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     1262 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2615 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2662 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2663 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2671 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2672 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2676 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2677 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2684 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2685 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2703 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2704 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2840 |       17106 | TABLE       |       4867 | t          | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock |                      
     2841 |       17106 | TABLE       |       4867 | t          | RowExclusiveLock         |                      
     2964 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     2965 |           0 | TABLE       |      16175 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     3455 |       17106 | TABLE       |      39525 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
     5003 |           0 | TABLE       |      35946 | t          | RowExclusiveLock         |                      
     5003 |           0 | TABLE       |      35946 | t          | AccessShareLock          |                      
yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.lock 
where blocked_by_session_id is not null;
 table_id | database_id | object_type | session_id | is_granted |    lock_type    | blocked_by_session_id 
  1812902 |       17106 | TABLE       |      28200 | f          | AccessShareLock |                 28264
   17137 |       17106 | TABLE       |      28770 | f          | ExclusiveLock   |                 35873
   17137 |       17106 | TABLE       |      28770 | f          | ExclusiveLock   |                 35873
(3 rows)
yellowbrick_test=# select sct.table_id,, ssl.lock_type 
from sys.table sct join sys.lock ssl on sct.table_id=ssl.table_id and sct.database_id=ssl.database_id;
 table_id |                  name                  |    lock_type     
   56889 | ThirdPartyDataGeneralPopulationOverlap | AccessShareLock
   17395 | TargetingDataUniqueThirdPartyUsers     | AccessShareLock
   17395 | TargetingDataUniqueThirdPartyUsers     | ExclusiveLock
   17386 | TargetingData                          | AccessShareLock
   56865 | LookAlikeModelResult                   | AccessShareLock
   56865 | LookAlikeModelResult                   | ExclusiveLock

Parent topic:System Views