Configure or list various system settings, including network settings, time zones, and user accounts.
config bmc password [ all | local | remote ] <password>
config dba password <username>
config firewall list
config firewall open [ all | HTTP | 80 | HTTPS | 443 | DATABASE [ <port> ] ]
config firewall close [ all | HTTP | 80 | HTTPS | 443 | DATABASE ]
config hostname get
config hostname set [ local | remote ] <hostname>
config network bonding [ all | local | remote ] get
config network bonding [ local |remote ] set [ layer2 | layer2+3 | layer3+4 | active-backup ]
config network bmc [ all | local | remote ] get
config network bmc [ local | remote ] set [ dhcp | <ipaddress> <subnet> <gateway> ]
config network database <port>
config network manager [ all | local | remote ] get
config network manager [ local | remote ] set <ipaddress> <subnet> <gateway> <dns1> [ <dns2> ] <search-domain>
config network mtu get
config network mtu set <mtu>
config network system get
config network system set <ipaddress> <subnet>
config network route create [ all | local | remote ] default [vlanid] <gateway>
config network route create [ all | local | remote ] [vlanid] <ip> <subnet> <gateway>
config network route delete [ all | local | remote ] default [vlanid]
config network route delete [ all | local | remote ] [vlanid] <ip> <subnet> <gateway>
config network route list [ all | local | remote ]
config network vlan create <vlanid> <ipaddress> <subnet>
config network vlan delete <vlanid>
config network vlan list
config network vlan manager [ all | local | remote ] get <vlanid>
config network vlan manager [ local | remote ] set <vlanid> <ipaddress> <subnet> <gateway|none> <dns1|none> [ <dns2|none> ] <search-domain|none>
config network vlan system get <vlanid>
config network vlan system set <vlanid> <ipaddress> <subnet>
config network trace ph <enable|disable>
config network trace get
config network trace set <bulk|sql|all> <enable|disable>
config network trace set <bulk|sql|all> size <MiBs>
config network trace set <bulk|sql|all> duration <minutes>
config network trace set default
config ntp add [ <ipaddress> | <hostname> ]
config ntp delete [ <ipaddress> | <hostname> ]
config ntp disable
config ntp enable
config ntp list
config ntp status
config phonehome [ alerts | disabled | full ]
config timezone get
config timezone list
config timezone set <country> <city>
config user create <username>
config user delete <username>
config user key generate
config user key show
config user list
config user password <username>
For details about these commands, see the following sections.
In This Section
Parent topic:ybcli Reference