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This view records runtime statistics for each execution step (or node) in the query plan. A unique row in this table is identified by a combination of the query ID and node ID. All of the reported statistics are per plan node.

For descriptions of the columns in this view, see sys.query_analyze. (Note that the sys.log_query_analyze view does not have a worker_id column.)


premdb=# select query_id, node_id, rows_actual, runtime_ms from sys.log_query_analyze where query_id=1078487 order by node_id;
 query_id | node_id | rows_actual | runtime_ms 
  1078487 |       0 |          19 |      0.000
  1078487 |       2 |          19 |      0.187
  1078487 |       3 |          19 |      0.083
  1078487 |       4 |          19 |      0.100
  1078487 |       5 |          19 |      0.100
  1078487 |       6 |          19 |      0.105
  1078487 |       7 |          19 |      0.288
  1078487 |       8 |          19 |      0.080
  1078487 |       9 |           0 |      0.094
  1078487 |      10 |          22 |      0.155
  1078487 |      11 |          25 |      0.279
  1078487 |      12 |          22 |      0.050
  1078487 |      13 |           0 |      0.106
  1078487 |      14 |           0 |      1.417
  1078487 |      15 |           0 |      1.414
  1078487 |      16 |        7220 |      0.447
  1078487 |      17 |        7220 |      0.019
  1078487 |      18 |        7220 |      0.811
  1078487 |      19 |        7220 |      0.588
  1078487 |      20 |        7220 |      0.019
  1078487 |      22 |           0 |      1.623
(21 rows)

Parent topic:System Views