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Canceling Queries

You can cancel a running query in Yellowbrick Manager or by using the CANCEL command.

Go to Query Activity in Yellowbrick Manager, select the query, and click Cancel. For example:

Alternatively, select from the sys.query view to get the query ID, then use the CANCEL command.

To cancel an active query via SQL commands:

  1. Get the query_id of the active query that you want to cancel. For example, if only one query is running:
premdb=# select query_id from sys.query;
(1 row)
  1. Run the CANCEL command and supply the query_id:
premdb=# cancel 22669;

Note: If you are canceling a query from within your own session, you can use Ctrl-C. The CANCEL command is really intended for cases where another session or application runs a query that needs to be cancelled by an administrator.

Aborting a Query with WLM Rules

You can cancel queries conditionally, when they are in certain states, by writing rules with an Abort Query action. See Creating WLM Rules.

Delayed Cancellation with statement_timeout

If you want to cancel queries after they have been running for a specific period of time, you can use the statement_timeout parameter. You can apply this parameter to a specific query, a session, or all of the sessions for a specific user. For example:

premdb=# set statement_timeout=1000;
premdb=# insert into newmatchstats select * from newmatchstats;
ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
premdb=# alter role bobr set statement_timeout=1;
premdb=# \c premdb bobr
Password for user bobr: 
You are now connected to database "premdb" as user "bobr".
premdb=> select * from season, match where season.seasonid=match.seasonid and season_name='1999-2000';
ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout