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Installing the "generic" ybtools

You can install ybtools on certain platforms that do not have a dedicated operating-system package. The "generic" package may work for you if your client platform is not listed as one of the supported operating systems or is incompatible with those listed.

This package does not provide an installer; it is simply a zipped ybtools directory. Therefore, it does not update any environment variables (such as PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH). The individual ybtools scripts will update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as needed when they are run.

  1. Download the generic package from the Yellowbrick Manager. Go to Support > Drivers and Tools > Client Tools. For example: ybtools-6.1.2-a8363b32.1234.generic.noarch.tar.gz

  2. If necessary, copy the downloaded package to the client system.

  3. Unzip and extract the generic.noarch.tar.gz file to a directory of your choice. The result will be a top-level ybtools directory with some subdirectories. (For example, use the gunzip and tar -xvf commands.)

  • If you want ybtools to be accessible to all users, Yellowbrick recommends using the usr/bin/ directory. Then you can create soft links to the unzipped location for specific tools. For example:

    % ln -s /usr/bin/ybtools/bin/ybload /usr/bin/ybload
  • If ybtools is intended for your individual use, Yellowbrick recommends using your home directory. Then add the unzipped location of the ~/ybtools/bin directory to your path in your .profile or .bashrc file. For example:

    % export PATH=$PATH:~/ybtools/bin
  • If you need to use multiple versions of ybtools under UNIX/Linux environments, you can use the generic package for the versions that you do not want to be the default for all users.