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Infrastructure Administrator

The infrastructure administrator account is not enabled by default after initial installation. You may enable the infrastructure administrator account for cross-instance management, or to manage your instances and their lifecycle from Yellowbrick Manager when they are suspended and cannot be used to login using instance login.

Enabling Infrastructure Administrator

You may enable Infrastructure Administrator from Yellowbrick Manager, by navigating to Configuration → Yellowbrick Manager and configuring a password and account name, which defaults to infraadmin.

Instance Authorization

The infrastructure administrator user and account will be automatically configured to login to each instance that has been deployed. Its initial authorization is established by the same consumer role which is given to all users, as well as consumeradmin which allows for the management of instance lifecycle (suspend, resume, upgrade, create, destroy, etc.)

To set an infrastructure administrator account and password, login as a user to an instance with SYSADMIN privileges. Once established, changing the password will require the current password to be known, so take care to store and protect its credentials.


The infrastructure administrator configuration is stored in a Kubernetes secret called yb-manager-secret in the namespace where Yellowbrick Manager is deployed. The password is not stored directly; a hash of this password is stored and used for authentication challenges. Removing the secret's value for this hashed password will reset the feature to its initial value.

As is the case for all Kubernetes resources, take care to protect this secret's configuration from misuse.