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A system view that returns information about the external format objects in the instance.

Column NameData TypeDescription
external_format_idbigintUnique ID of the external format object.
nametextName of the external format object.
owner_idbigintUnique ID of the user who owns the external format object. Join key for sys.user and sys.role.
typetextType of format: CSV, TEXT, or BCP, PARQUET.
format_optionstextJSON string that lists all of the load options that were defined for this external format object.
creation_timetimestamptzWhen the external format object was created.
modify_timetimestamptzThis value is currently the same as creation_time because external format objects cannot be modified.


premdb=# select * from sys.external_format where name='premdbs3format';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
external_format_id | 137328
name               | premdbs3format
owner_id           | 137192
type               | csv
format_options     | {"version":1,"type":"csv","opts":{"skip_blank_lines":"true","delimiter":","}}
creation_time      | 2022-06-14 11:58:22.382366-07
modify_time        | 2022-06-14 11:58:22.382366-07