This view returns the currently active WLM resource pool per compute cluster and identifies its profile and other attributes, including the number of pending queries for each prioritized queue.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
cluster_id | uuid | Unique ID of the compute cluster. |
name | text | Name of the resource pool. |
profile_name | text | Name of the profile where the resource pool was created. |
memory_requested | text | Percentage or amount of available memory requested for the pool. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22% - A value in MB, such as 32768MB - remainder , which means the resource pool is requesting whatever memory is left over (equivalent to Any in Yellowbrick Manager). |
memory_per_query_bytes | bigint | Actual amount of memory available per query, in bytes. |
temp_space_requested | text | Percentage or amount of temporary space requested for spilling, as a percentage. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22% - A value in MB, such as 32768MB - remainder , which means the resource pool is requesting whatever temporary space is left over (equivalent to Any in Yellowbrick Manager). |
temp_space_per_query_bytes | bigint | Actual amount of temporary space for spilling available per query, in bytes. |
max_concurrency | bigint | Maximum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool. |
min_concurrency | bigint | Minimum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool. |
queue_size | bigint | Number of queries that can wait in the queue for this pool. |
max_row_limit | bigint | Maximum number of rows that a query can return when executed in this pool. NULL if not set. |
max_wait_time_limit | bigint | Maximum number of seconds that a query can wait in this pool. NULL if not set. |
max_exec_time_limit | bigint | Maximum duration (number of seconds) for a query that executes in this pool. NULL if not set. |
running | bigint | Number of queries running on workers assigned to the pool. |
low_pending, normal_pending, high_pending, critical_pending | bigint | Number of queries waiting in each prioritized queue (low, normal, high, critical). |
For example:
premdb=> select name, profile_name, max_concurrency, min_concurrency, queue_size, max_row_limit, max_exec_time_limit
from sys.wlm_active_pool
where profile_name='sqb';
name | profile_name | max_concurrency | min_concurrency | queue_size | max_row_limit | max_exec_time_limit
longpool | sqb | 2 | 1 | 100 | |
shortquerypool | sqb | 20 | 1 | 100 | 100000 | 1
(2 rows)