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This view returns the current list of pending WLM resource pools (inactive pools) and identifies their profile and other attributes.

Column NameData TypeDescription
cluster_iduuidUnique ID of the compute cluster.
nametextName of the resource pool.
profile_nametextName of the profile where the resource pool was created.
memory_requestedtextPercentage or amount of available memory requested for the pool. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22%
- A value in MB, such as 32768MB
- remainder, which means the resource pool is requesting whatever memory is left over (equivalent to Any in Yellowbrick Manager).

memory_per_query_bytesbigintActual amount of memory available per query, in bytes.
temp_space_requestedtextPercentage or amount of temporary space requested for spilling, as a percentage. This column returns one of three character strings: - A percentage, such as 22%
- A value in MB, such as 32768MB
- remainder, which means the resource pool is requesting whatever temporary space is left over (equivalent to Any in Yellowbrick Manager).

temp_space_per_query_bytesbigintActual amount of temporary space for spilling available per query, in bytes.
max_concurrencybigintMaximum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool.
min_concurrencybigintMinimum number of concurrent queries that can run in this pool.
queue_sizebigintNumber of queries that can wait in the queue for this pool.
max_row_limitbigintMaximum number of rows that a query can return when executed in this pool. NULL if not set.
max_wait_time_limitbigintMaximum number of seconds that a query can wait in this pool. NULL if not set.
max_exec_time_limitbigintMaximum duration (number of seconds) for a query that executes in this pool. NULL if not set.


For example:

premdb=> select * from sys.wlm_pending_pool where profile_name='sqb';
             cluster_id              |      name      | profile_name | memory_requested | memory_per_query_bytes | temp_space_requested | temp_space_per_query_bytes | max_concurrency | min_concurrency | queue_size | max_row_limit | max_wait_time_limit | max_exec_time_limit 
 96842a0a-4627-4e39-aaf0-94968d6b22b4 | shortquerypool | sqb          | remainder        |            34735128576 | remainder            |               813495746560 |              20 |               1 |        100 |        100000 |                     |                   1
 96842a0a-4627-4e39-aaf0-94968d6b22b4 | system         | sqb          | 13312MB          |             4652531712 | 98304MB              |                34359738368 |               3 |               2 |        100 |               |                     |                    
 96842a0a-4627-4e39-aaf0-94968d6b22b4 | longpool       | sqb          | remainder        |            34736177152 | remainder            |               813495746560 |               2 |               1 |        100 |               |                     |                    
 56ec98dd-b475-4a33-a499-90b29cef87e8 | shortquerypool | sqb          | remainder        |             2592079872 | remainder            |                 8180989952 |              20 |               1 |        100 |        100000 |                     |                   1
 56ec98dd-b475-4a33-a499-90b29cef87e8 | longpool       | sqb          | remainder        |             2593128448 | remainder            |                 8180989952 |               2 |               1 |        100 |               |                     |                    
(5 rows)