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Loading a Table via the Load Assistant

You can use the Yellowbrick Manager Load Assistant to automate the process of loading a table from files in object storage. In the background, SQL commands are generated and run to complete this procedure, culminating with a step that loads the table from qualifying source files in the specified bucket or container.

You can see the syntax of the SQL commands as you go along. To get more information about these commands, or if you prefer to run them manually, see SQL Commands.

Note: Normally you would need your account information and credentials ready at hand before loading tables. When you are loading anonymously from a public bucket or container, as in this tutorial, no credentials are required. This example loads from AWS S3 data, but the steps are the same when you load from Azure object storage.

  1. Create the premdb sample database and run both setup scripts, as described in step 3 of the walkthrough.
  2. Navigate to the Load Assistant (⇫ icon in the leftmost pane)
  3. Select your instance, the yellowbrick_trial database, and the small-load cluster,
  4. Select the external location called premdbs3data.
  5. Clear the Suffix field (defaults to /).
  6. Select Specific Files, then enter the string /premdb/newmatch in the File Prefix field.

Important: If you do not filter by Specific Files or Pattern, the system will attempt to load all the files in the specified location. In turn, the load will only proceed if files are found that have the correct layout of source fields and data types for the target table.

Select this file and click Next to proceed.

See also Notes on the Manage External Resources Option.

  1. On the Format Data page, accept the default format and click Next.

In the context of this tutorial, using the default format (premdbs3format) that is associated with the external location (premdbs3data) is recommended. Alternatively, you can click Customize Format and explicitly set the format options you want to use.

  1. Select the target schema (premdb) and table (newmatchstats), accept the default values for error handling and load options, and click Load.

  2. Run the load and watch its progress. When it is complete, you will see a load summary indicating that the load is complete, with approximately 24.7M additional rows. Click the Log button if you want to download and inspect the log file for the load.

  3. Finally, in the Query Editor, select the table to check its updated contents.

Notes on the Manage External Resources Option

In this tutorial you used external resources (objects) that were already created for you in the script you ran to create the premdb tables. Alternatively, in the Load Assistant, you could click Manage External Resources and work through the setup of three different objects:

  • An external storage object
  • An optional external format object that describes the format of the source files in the bucket or container
  • An external location that defines the bucket or container name

Tip: When you are creating these objects for the first time in Yellowbrick Manager, start by creating an external storage object. For example:

In the format section, click Next to use the default format (the format you just created). Alternatively, you could select another format from the drop-down list, or an alternative customized format (Customize Format).