This view captures information about WLM rule processing (as also displayed in Yellowbrick Manager). A single row identifies a unique rule-processing event for a specific query. Use this view to see which rules and related actions are in effect when specific queries are run.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
query_id | bigint | Query ID, which can be joined with the query_id column in sys.log_query or sys.query . |
rule_name | text | Name of the WLM rule being applied. The default value of rule appears in this column for begin and end event types. |
event_time | timestamptz | When each event occurred. |
event_type | text | Possible values for each event are begin , disabled , end , error , ignore , info , move , set , timeout , warn |
group_timestamp | timestamptz | Timestamp for a group of rules that are run for a query during a given state in its life cycle. |
group_index | integer | Index number that defines the order of rules that are run for a given group (0 to n). |
event | text | Rule processing events include Rule processing starting , Rule processing complete , Setting... , Move to resource pool... , Rule is disabled , and so on. |
Return all rule events for a specific query:
premdb=> select * from sys.query_rule_event where query_id=23177566;
query_id | rule_name | event_time | event_type | group_timestamp | group_index | event
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595608-07 | begin | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595699-07 | 0 | Rule [completion] processing for 23177566 starting
23177566 | default_logLongRunningQuery | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595611-07 | disabled | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595699-07 | 1 | Rule is disabled
23177566 | global_setupYMWorkDone | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595691-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595699-07 | 2 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595698-07 | end | 2022-09-15 15:28:56.595699-07 | 3 | Rule [completion] processing for 23177566 complete
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616755-07 | begin | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 0 | Rule [compile] processing for 23177566 starting
23177566 | default_cancelAfterOneMinute | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616756-07 | disabled | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 1 | Rule is disabled
23177566 | default_superUserToAdmin | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616759-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 2 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_throttleExternalTables | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616843-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 3 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | global_throttleReplication | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616865-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 4 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | default_barToSystem | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616866-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 5 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | default_mapToSmall | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616907-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 6 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | global_mapAAToLowPriority | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61691-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 7 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_setupDCSWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61691-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 8 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_setupSMCWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616911-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 9 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_setupSystemWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616912-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 10 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_setupYMWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616944-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 11 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | global_setupStatsWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.616946-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 12 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | default_dropTableToAdmin | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617167-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 13 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | global_mapAnalyzeToSystem | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61717-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 14 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_mapFlusherToSystem | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617171-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 15 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_mapGCToSystem | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617172-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 16 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_mapParityToSystem | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617173-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 17 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_restartErrorPolicy | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61723-07 | set | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 18 | Setting ErrorRecoverable to true
23177566 | global_restartErrorPolicySuperuser | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617235-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 19 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_setupReplicatorWork | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617236-07 | ignore | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 20 | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23177566 | global_defaultRowLimit | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61737-07 | set | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 21 | Setting MaximumRowLimit to 5000000
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617376-07 | end | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.617378-07 | 22 | Rule [compile] processing for 23177566 complete
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613373-07 | begin | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613981-07 | 0 | Rule [submit] processing for 23177566 starting
23177566 | global_throttleConcurrentQueries | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613521-07 | throttle | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613981-07 | 1 | Throttle 500 accesses
23177566 | urgent_reports_rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.61397-07 | info | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613981-07 | 2 | Rule changed no query settings
23177566 | rule | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613977-07 | end | 2022-09-15 15:28:48.613981-07 | 3 | Rule [submit] processing for 23177566 complete
(31 rows)
Join sys.query_rule_event
to sys.log_query
and return results based on specific query text:
premdb=> select s1.query_id, s1.query_text, s2.rule_name, s2.event_type, s2.event
from sys.log_query s1, sys.query_rule_event s2
where s1.query_id=s2.query_id and query_text ='select * from match;';
query_id | query_text | rule_name | event_type | event
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | begin | Rule [completion] processing for 23259120 starting
23259120 | select * from match; | default_logLongRunningQuery | disabled | Rule is disabled
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupYMWorkDone | info | Rule changed no query settings
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | end | Rule [completion] processing for 23259120 complete
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | begin | Rule [compile] processing for 23259120 starting
23259120 | select * from match; | default_cancelAfterOneMinute | disabled | Rule is disabled
23259120 | select * from match; | default_superUserToAdmin | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_throttleExternalTables | info | Rule changed no query settings
23259120 | select * from match; | global_throttleReplication | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | default_barToSystem | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | default_mapToSmall | set | Setting ResourcePool to small
23259120 | select * from match; | global_mapAAToLowPriority | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupDCSWork | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupSMCWork | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupSystemWork | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupYMWork | info | Rule changed no query settings
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupStatsWork | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | default_dropTableToAdmin | info | Rule changed no query settings
23259120 | select * from match; | global_mapAnalyzeToSystem | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_mapFlusherToSystem | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_mapGCToSystem | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_mapParityToSystem | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_restartErrorPolicy | set | Setting ErrorRecoverable to true
23259120 | select * from match; | global_restartErrorPolicySuperuser | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_setupReplicatorWork | ignore | Rule configured for superuser queries (query user: super1)
23259120 | select * from match; | global_defaultRowLimit | set | Setting MaximumRowLimit to 5000000
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | end | Rule [compile] processing for 23259120 complete
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | begin | Rule [submit] processing for 23259120 starting
23259120 | select * from match; | global_throttleConcurrentQueries | throttle | Throttle 500 accesses
23259120 | select * from match; | urgent_reports_rule | info | Rule changed no query settings
23259120 | select * from match; | rule | end | Rule [submit] processing for 23259120 complete
(31 rows)
The following example filters events in which a query was moved to another pool:
yellowbrick=# select query_id, rule_name, event_time, event_type, event
from sys.query_rule_event where event like 'Move%';
query_id | rule_name | event_time | event_type | event
13450004 | system | 2022-08-24 14:39:59.967-07 | move | Move to resource pool long
13245785 | flex_moveToLong | 2022-08-24 12:35:18.543-07 | move | Move to resource pool long
(2 rows)
The following example finds events for a specific completion rule when it was not disabled or ignored:
yellowbrick=# select query_id, rule_name, event_time, event_type, event
from sys.query_rule_event
where rule_name='completion_error' and event_type not in('ignore','disabled');
query_id | rule_name | event_time | event_type | event
13584534 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:59:05.644-07 | error | Do not use the yellowbrick database!
13583194 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:58:50.191-07 | error | Do not use the yellowbrick database!
13580925 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:57:36.721-07 | error | Do not use the yellowbrick database!
13579296 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:57:13.002-07 | info | Rule changed no query settings
13578087 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:57:08.935-07 | error | Do not use the yellowbrick database!
13577467 | completion_error | 2020-09-24 15:56:27.999-07 | info | Rule changed no query settings