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ybsql Prompt Variables

You can use the following syntax to customize your ybsql prompts (PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 variables). The default value for both prompts is '%/%R%# '. To place a percentage sign in your prompt, use %%.

%MFull host name of the database server; [local] if the connection is over a Linux domain socket.
%mHost name of the database server, truncated at the first dot; [local] if the connection is over a Linux domain socket.
%>Port number where the database server is listening.
%nThe database session user name. (The prompt may change during a session if a SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION command is run.)
%/Name of the current database.
%~Like %/, but the output is ~ (tilde) if the database is your default database.
%## if the session user is a database superuser; otherwise, >. (The prompt may change during a session if a SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION command is run.)
%RPROMPT1: =, ^ if in single-line mode, ! if the session is disconnected from the database (if \connect fails). PROMPT2: %R is replaced by one of the following characters:

- - if the command was not terminated
- * if there is an unfinished /* ... */ comment
- ' if there is an unfinished quoted string
- " if there is an unfinished quoted identifier
- $ if there is an unfinished dollar-quoted string
- ( if there is an unmatched left parenthesis

%xTransaction status: - An empty string when not in a transaction block
- * when in a transaction block
- ! when in a failed transaction block
- ? when the transaction state is unknown (for example, if there is no connection)

%lLine number inside the current statement, starting from 1.
%digitsCharacter with the specified octal code is substituted. For example: %044%040 ($ character, then a space character)
%:nameValue of the ybsql variable name. See ybsql User Variables. For example: %:ENCODING
%command``Output of the specified command (similar to ordinary "back-tick" substitution). For example: %whoami``
%[ ... %]Prompts can contain terminal control characters that, change the color, background, or style of the prompt text, or the title of the terminal window, for example. Multiple pairs of %[ and %] can occur within the prompt.


premdb=# \set PROMPT1 'myprompt '
premdb=# \set PROMPT1 '%/%R%# '
premdb=# \set PROMPT1 %044%040
$ \set PROMPT1 %n%100%/%044%040
ybuser1@premdb$ \set PROMPT1 %M%044%040
[local]$ \c premdb bobr
Password for user bobr: 
You are now connected to database "premdb" as user "bobr".
premdb=>  \set PROMPT1 %n%044%R%040
bobr$=  \set PROMPT2 %n%044%R%040
bobr$= select * from team
bobr$- ;
ybuser1@ybuser1:/usr/bin$ ./ybsql premdb bobr --set=PROMPT1='bobr_yb '
Password for user bobr: 
