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ybcli: database

Start or stop the Yellowbrick database software. These commands do not start up or shut down the system. The manager and worker nodes are not affected.

You can also see the current status of the database, which returns the same information as the status database command.

database start [ force ]
database status
database stop  [ force ]

For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> database stop

This will stop the Yellowbrick database and disconnect all database clients
Are you sure you want to do this?
Type yes to continue: yes

Stopping Yellowbrick Database services. Standby... Done
YBCLI (PRIMARY)> database start

Starting Yellowbrick database services. Standby... Done

You can use the force option when the ybcli cannot detect whether the database is running or not. This may occur when there is a malfunction in the system.