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The dim.query consists of a row for each query associated with the plan_id obtained from sys.log_query. Prior to executing a query, the system formulates a plan outlining how to execute it, resulting in the generation of a unique plan_id.

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
query_skBIGINTA sequencer generated ID for a client.26624
plan_idVARCHAR(64)Unique ID of the plan as per plan_id in sys.log_query. This is a hash value in hex format.lJTTXH5v2BEncBKBSbE2CZOcKwh2pzk9HdXoyAyF9j4=
query_textVARCHAR(10000)The SQL query text, if necessary has been trimmed to 10,000 chars.If characters exceed the limit of 10,000 characters then entire query text can be found in sys.log_query.ANALYZE HLL test_schema3.table2_1000_col_100000_rows
valid_fromTIMESTAMPTZThe validity start date of the record as per the timestamp at the source system.2023-12-19T11:05:31.164920Z
metering_runTIMESTAMPTZThe metering run (one per hour) that created the record.2023-12-19T11:05:31.164920Z