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config bmc

Set the BMC password, show hardware event logs, or clear hardware even logs.

config bmc password [ all | local | remote ] <password>
config bmc log [ show | clear ]

Set the BMC password of the local, remote, or all manager nodes for the BMC ADMIN user. For example:

YBCLI(13077) (PRIMARY - yb00-mgr0)> config bmc password all ybd

Successfully set new BMC ADMIN password

Remote manager node

Successfully set new BMC ADMIN password

Return or clear all low-level hardware event logs from both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI(48888) (PRIMARY - y2b05-mgr1)> config bmc log show

y2b05-mgr1 - HW event log
   1 | 02/24/2020 | 14:32:37 | Unknown #0xff | | Asserted
   2 | 02/24/2020 | 14:33:11 | Physical Security #0xaa | General Chassis intrusion () | Asserted
   3 | 02/24/2020 | 14:44:32 | Physical Security #0xaa | General Chassis intrusion () | Asserted
   4 | 02/24/2020 | 14:44:39 | Temperature #0x28 | Lower Critical going low | Asserted
   5 | 02/24/2020 | 23:53:47 | Unknown #0xff | | Asserted

For example:

YBCLI(274107) (PRIMARY - y2b23-mgr0)> config bmc log clear

Successfully cleared the HW event log of the primary manager node.
Successfully cleared the HW event log of the secondary manager node.