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Column NameData TypeDescription
cluster_iduuidUUID for the cluster.
is_onlinebooleanWhether the cluster is online from a hardware resource perspective.
is_readybooleanWhether the cluster is operationally ready from a worker node perspective.
statusCluster hardware status.
offline_reasonReason why the cluster is offline.
statetextCluster state: RUNNING, SUSPENDED, and so on.


Which clusters are currently running?

premdb=# select * from sys.cluster_status where state='RUNNING';
             cluster_id              | is_online | is_ready |    status    | offline_reason |  state  
 da88c52f-c876-43f9-9777-6121e1b0da0e | t         | t        | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE    | RUNNING
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | t         | t        | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE    | RUNNING
(2 rows)

Join sys.cluster, sys.cluster_status, and sys.worker to add cluster names and worker roles to the information available in the status view:

premdb=# select c.cluster_id, c.status, c.offline_reason, c.state, w.role, cl.cluster_name 
from sys.cluster_status c join sys.worker w on c.cluster_id=w.cluster_id 
join sys.cluster cl on c.cluster_id=cl.cluster_id;
             cluster_id              |    status    |      offline_reason      |   state   |  role  |      cluster_name       
 da88c52f-c876-43f9-9777-6121e1b0da0e | NOT_DEGRADED | NOT_OFFLINE              | RUNNING   | MEMBER | cn-uat-beta1-cluster-01
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | TOO_MANY_MISSING_WORKERS | SUSPENDED | SPARE  | bobr-may3-small-cluster
 7b942fdd-7293-47d6-86f4-de994daa300d | NOT_DEGRADED | TOO_MANY_MISSING_WORKERS | SUSPENDED | SPARE  | bobr-may3-small-cluster
(3 rows)