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Non-functional Parameters


The set of parameters documented here is incomplete; it will be extended in subsequent releases.

The following parameters are visible in the database but either aren't settable or have no effect whatsoever. They are present for compatibility with PostgreSQL ecosystem tools and clients.

Parameter NameDefault ValueOriginal semantic
block_size32768Size of a catalogue block on disk.
bytea_outputhexRequired for pgAdmin compatibility; controls how the bytea type is sent to the client.
lc_collateCLocale configuration..
lc_ctypeCLocale configuration.
lc_timeCLocale configuration.
max_index_keys32Ignored maximum number of index keys.
max_wal_size16GBWrite-ahead log settings. Not configurable.
server_version9.5.2Reports a server version string. Use yb_server_version instead.
server_version_num90502Reports a server version string. Use yb_server_version_num instead.
sslONWhether SSL connections are enabled.
transaction_isolationREAD COMMITTEDTransaction isolation level, only READ COMMITTED is supported.
wal_block_size8192Write-ahead log settings. Not configurable.
wal_levelminimalWrite-ahead log settings. Not configurable.